Specialist for Flexo Printing Facility Relocation

I'm in need of a knowledgeable professional to assist in planning the relocation our flexo printing plate making facility in Union City, CA. The task involves moving just two blocks away, but it is no small feat considering the specialized machinery implicated.

Equipment to be relocated:

- Plate-making machines

- Assorted machinery

- A cutting table

- 200-gallon solvent recycling still

- Air compressor

Safety and Regulation Compliance:

Relocation activities must strictly adhere to regulations pertaining to:

- Handling and transportation of chemicals, particularly solvents

- Equipment handling safety norms

- Facility relocation regulatory compliance

Ideal Skills and Experience:

The ideal candidate should possess knowledge and experience in plant relocation, particularly in printing environments. Expertise in handling chemical substances safely and knowledge of pertinent laws is critical. Strict adherence to safety norms during equipment install. Familiarity with handling flexo plating machinery will be a significant advantage.

Electrical Engineering Plumbing

5 proposals Remote project Active 1 mo ago

About Client

  • Job Posted: 1
  • Email Verified: No
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  • Member Since: 01st May 2021
Required Skills
Electrical Engineering
Familiarity, With, Handling, Flexo, Plating, Machinery, Will, Be, A, Significant, Advantage, Electrical, Engineering, Plumbing, Proposals, Remote, Project, Active, Mo, Ago
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