C Programmer Needed

I'm working on a C project, and I require troubleshooting assistance. The project is experiencing errors that need to be fixed.

Are you familiar with such a project:

Write two programs that operate in NON-BLOCKING mode and communicate Hello messages

back and forth. The programs must be named Exercise11_4a.c and Exercise11_4b.c. The two

programs use a single shared file for messaging and a semaphore for synchronization.

Program A (Exercise11_2a) will start the exchange by sending Hello B to B (Exercise11_2b) and,

once the message is received, B will print the message and then send Hello A to A. Program A

will then print the message from B and respond with Hello B. This should continue until the

programs are stopped. The output should look something like this:

Hello B

Hello A

Hello B

Hello A

Program A sends messages to B by writing data to the shared file where it is read by B.

Program B sends messages to A by writing data to the same shared file where it is read by A.

The programs are both reading from and writing to the same file, so the operations must be

synchronized. Synchronization is performed using a semaphore. Each process must wait

(sem_wait) for the semaphore before access the file and must post the semaphore (sem_post)

when finished accessing the file.

Use the provided makefile to build, run and kill the programs. To make the programs, just type:


To run the programs, type: "make run".

To stop the programs type: "make kill".

C Programming C++ Programming C# Programming Software Architecture Linux

20 proposals Remote project Active 3 weeks ago

About Client

  • Job Posted: 1
  • Email Verified: No
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  • Member Since: 07th December 2021
Required Skills
C Programming
C++ Programming
C# Programming
Software Architecture
To, Make, The, Programs, Just, Type, Run, Stop, Kill, C, Programming, Software, Architecture, Linux, Proposals, Remote, Project, Active, Weeks, Ago, The Programs, Programs Type, Programs Type Make, Type Make, The Programs Type, The Programs Type Make, C Programming, Programming C
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