Author Reciter Key Identification

Hi there, as the client, I require immediate assistance in identifying the unique identifier/location for my author reciter within my web page. Unfortunately, I'm unsure of whether it is located within the Author ID field, Unique Key field, or the Reciter field. I also don't know the format of this unique key - whether it's numeric, alphanumeric, or includes special characters.

<link rel="alternate" hrefLang="ar" href={`[login to view URL]${[login to view URL]}/`} />

The above href is not working

attached is the js file

Delivery of this project is expected ASAP, so a freelancer capable of a quick turnaround is necessary. Your expertise and swift assistance are valued. Thank you.

JavaScript React.js Framework

23 proposals Remote project Active 3 weeks ago

About Client

  • Job Posted: 1
  • Email Verified: No
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  • Member Since: 16th August 2020
Required Skills
React.js Framework
Thank, You, Javascript, React, Js, Framework, Proposals, Remote, Project, Active, Weeks, Ago
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