ZiscoERP - Powerful HR, Accounting, CRM System
ZiscoERP - Powerful HR, Accounting, CRM System

ZiscoERP - Powerful HR, Accounting, CRM System

  • Uploaded : 18th June 2023
  • Views : 2921

ZiscoERP - Powerful HR, Accounting, CRM System

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The ZiscoERP – Powerful HR, Accounting, CRM System System is a complete HRM Solution with Payroll, Leave Holiday, And 3 Type of attendance system and much more. you can get All In One using this system

Sales and transaction are important and Project Manager With Billing accounting CRM in several ways:
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Project Management

You can easily track your project by adding comments, attachment, tasks, bugs, milestone, private and public note, project wise invoice, time management and track your activity in most feature is you can set your goal to complete your project with a start and end date with awesome progress wise. you just create it nothing to work everything manages it. not only that you can export and import project.

Invoice ManagementYou can easily create and manage invoices with more than 6 payment gateway.you can set this invoice by recurring, you can send the overdue invoice, payments, invoice payment reminder refund issue and much more.

Import Option

You can import your CSV or excel file to the following menu







Sales and transaction are important and Project Manager With Billing accounting CRM Pro in several ways:

Keep track of leads in one place and easily follow their progress.

Create good looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales.

Records your company expenses and have the ability to bill to your customers and auto convert to invoice.

Know more about your customers with powerful CRM.

Use the Goals Tracking feature to keep sales goals in mind.

Build professional, great looking estimates and invoices.

Powerful support system with ability to auto-import tickets and leads

Custom fields can store extra information for customers, leads , deposit,project and more.

Follow-ups, reports, notes, files and many more features.

Update History

12 June 2023 ​ 6.0.4-— Added Ability to enable weekend excluded from leave in leave management--- Fixed warning.promotion,resignation and termination issue --- Fixed All Count issue on everywhere to capability with php update version--- FIXED all known issues --- UPDATE system performance--- Fixed few security issue6.0.3-— Added 1 more attendance report with attendance percentage calculation . How Many employee attend a specific date —- Added can select start date and end date In attendance report —- Added Ability to Calculate Absent Calculation and deduct from salary when make payment on Payroll 
—- Fixed custom field filter option on client menu—- Fixed user tab isse—- Fixed Filemanager issue—- Remove Unnecessary Code to speed optimization
--- FIXED all known issues --- UPDATE system performance

29 November 2022 ​ 6.0.2
—- Added 5 more Layout for Invoice,Estimate,Proposal,Purchase,Credit Note details
—- Added can control OFF/ON water mark from invoice settings 
—- Fixed integer value option in client contact—- Update DomPDF version for support PHP 8 —- Update file manager version for support PHP 8 --- FIXED all known issues --- UPDATE system performance

7 November 2022 ​ 6.0.1—- Added 2 more Layout for Invoice,Estimate,Proposal,Purchase,Credit Note details
—- Added Water Mark for each details of Invoice,Estimate,Proposal,Purchase,Credit Note 
—- Added ability to change Layout view for Invoice,Estimate,Proposal,Purchase,Credit Note from settings then invoice settings
—- FIXED attach option when send email invoice/estimates/credit_note/proposals—- FIXED mailbox inbox issue. —- Update Link to view details as global view into invoice/estimates/proposals

18 August 2022 ​ 6.0.0--- Added Warning option for hrm with email template--- Added Promotion option for hrm with email template--- Added Resignation option for hrm --- Added Termination option for hrm--- Added update_stock_when_make_payment when purchase --- Added sidebar and body font size into theme settings --- Fixed if the invoice is canceled then not showing any overdue --- Fixed if the project is cancelled then not showing any overdue --- Fixed tasks category not showing issue on creating and filter--- FIXED all known issues --- UPDATE system performance

02 July 2022 ​ 5.0.9--- FIXED invoice amount issue --- FIXED project details attachments issue--- FIXED all known issues --- UPDATE system performance

29 June 2022 ​ 5.0.8— Added can off by using allow geo location when clock from system settings— Added calculation system using hook into invoice for multi currency module— FIXED clock in out issue 
— FIXED custom field issue on items— FIXED item number validation issue— FIXED POS add item issue when click in icon— FIXED warehouse issue on sales— FIXED provident and overtime search issue --- FIXED all known issues --- UPDATE system performance

30 May 2022 ​ 5.0.7--- Added hook system everywhere --- Added you can set a warehouse to all staff and all items by clicking default button from warehouse menu
--- Added Compitable with Saas module using a hook system
--- Added Compitable with Multicurrency module using hook system
---- Added Estimate, Invoice, Proposal details, and pdf in common view--- Added Projects, Tasks, Leads, Opportunity in common view--- Added All Details Attachment, Comments in common view 
--- FIXED attachment download issue on tickets menu
--- FIXED can set warehouse if not assigned before--- FIXED all known issues --- UPDATE system performance

08 March 2022 ​ 5.0.6--- FIXED not added into cart if don't have quantity --- FIXED item validation issue when adding into sales--- FIXED can add item if don't have quantity when purchase--- UPDATE system performance5.0.5--- Compitable with contract management module--- FIXED all known issue --- UPDATE system performance

03 March 2022 ​ 5.0.4--- FIXED items adding,edit, delete option when creating,edit into invoice--- FIXED items adding, edit,delete option when creating,edit into the estimate--- FIXED items adding,edit,delete option when creating,edit into the proposal--- FIXED items adding,edit, delete option when creating,edit into the purchase--- FIXED items adding,edit, delete option when creating,edit into return stock--- FIXED all known issue --- UPDATE system performance

28 February 2022 ​ 5.0.3--- FIXED item edit issue when estimate --- FIXED item edit issue when purchase--- FIXED item edit issue when credit note--- FIXED item edit issue when return stock --- FIXED all known issue --- UPDATE system performance

23 February 2022 ​ 5.0.2--- Added can off/on email notification in tasks --- Added can off/on email notification in projects --- FIXED item edit issue when editing invoice, estimate,--- FIXED all known issue --- UPDATE system performance

18 February 2022 ​ 5.0.1--- Added office location and can set allowed radious for validation using map into system setting--- Added ability to track location when clock in --- Redesigned system settings page into system settings--- FIXED item can't upload manually after update--- FIXED session and migration issue on PHP 8--- Changed table name tbl_tasks_attachment to tbl_attachments and tbl_task_uploaded_files to tbl_attachments_files--- Changed global controller to common controller,model and view --- Changed system core file to work with PHP 8-- FIXED all known issue -- UPDATE system performance

10 February 2022 ​ 5.0.0— Added more 2 attendance report design — FIXED new quotation form issue— FIXED items not showing when edit any invoices,estimate,proposal etc— FIXED can added multiple manual item when added item -- FIXED all known issue -- UPDATE system performance

5 February 2022 4.0.9
— Added Warehouse system into stock menu — Added transferring item one warehouse to another warehouse— Added Tansfert Reports , Worst and best item on sale reports 
— Added Seller and customer award point system when sell any invoice— Added warehouse wise item option in invoices, estimates, proposal and everywhere where adding items is exist— Resign the item adding option,Ability to scan with barcode and name also can add manual item as per needs— FIXED can added file attachment into leads form
— Fixed Update bank details issue from user details— split the all tabs for better performance like manage and create with different function-- FIXED all known issue -- UPDATE system performance

30 September 21 -- Added Manufacturer option into items -- Added code,barcode,cost price, and mulitple image option into Item menu-- Added POS Sales into Sales menu-- FIXED all known issue -- UPDATE system performance

23 August 21 -- FIXED manage salary issue
-- FIXED transfer attachment issue-- FIXED knowledge base description issue
-- FIXED logo responsive issue-- FIXED all known issue -- UPDATE system performance

30 April 21 — fixed Module system issue— update lots of issue specially system settings and payment method as dynamic to cover can manage by module dynamically
-- FIXED all known issue -- UPDATE system performance

13 April 21 — Added Module based option in module menu — fixed bugs issue in client panel — fixed dashboard datepicker issue
— update lots of issue specially system settings and payment method as dynamic to cover can manage by module dynamically
-- FIXED all known issue -- UPDATE system performance

23 March 21 — Added Ability to convert estimate/invoice from quotation menu— fixed leave calculations issue — fixed calendar filter issue 
-- FIXED all known issue -- UPDATE system performance

18 January 21 Recommended to update all purchaser — Recommended to update all purchaser
— update many queries and aded Ajax everywhere — Added form validation and recapcha into registration — Added converted lead can see from leads filter— Added can choose multiple option in checkbox in custom field
— Added notes when select call for interview in job application
— fixed payment method not showing properly issue wherewhere— fixed transaction date sorting issue on datable— fixed client expense on client table— fixed milestone issue when switch kanban
— fixed leads list view list
— fixed check leave can apply and count per year.
-- FIXED all known issue -- UPDATE system performance

12 November 2020 — Added pdf layout option landscape and portrait in invoice settings— Added View details in meeting details into leads and opportunities details-- added datepicker in leads form -- FIXED edit/added transfer amount issue in transactions menu-- FIXED edit permission issue on opportunity menu-- FIXED Client fixed dashboard invoice amount-- FIXED translation issue on every language -- FIXED Filemanager option in client details-- FIXED activities issue for individuals users-- FIXED Recurring invoice issue on cronjob -- FIXED all known issue -- UPDATE system performance

06 July 2020 -- ADDED Custom field into lead form-- ADDED ability to edit any language from transalation-- ADDED Account numbrt and other details into account details into bank & cash-- ADDED deposit and expense prefix option into transaction menu-- ADDED cliebt defualt menu will be automatically selected when create client contact into new user and client details add contact-- ADDED & FIXED chat intervat time in system settings -- FIXED filemanager issue -- FIXED show customer group when create new client from inline -- FIXED client primary contact search issue in client search-- FIXED all custom field search option-- CHNAGE defualt image to placeholder image-- FIXED all known issue -- UPDATE system performance

23 June 2020 -- FIXED lead form issue when create-- FIXED edit department issue-- FIXED group language transalation issue -- FIXED invoice.estimate,proposal,credit notes,return_stock reference_no format issue-- Update Filemanager -- Added line-through when complete tasks in projecs Menu-- FIXED all known issue -- UPDATE system performance

15 May 20 -- Added Allow custom permission .By default login user showing as custom permission to all permission form into system settings-- Added Web lead from with form builder into settings-- Added leads notes from leads details-- Added permission option into client menu-- Added Tags management into settings-- Added Tags in projecs menu-- Added Tags and group and category clickable into table when click showing filter it.-- Added status,severity and Reporter clickable into bugs table when click showing filter it.-- Added Stages,State clickable into opportunities table when click showing filter it.-- Added Tags in leads menu-- Added Lead Source,Leads Status clickable into leads table when click showing filter it.-- Added group clickable into items table when click showing filter it.-- Added Tags in purchase menu-- Added supplier clickable into purchase table when click showing filter it.-- Added Tags in invoice menu-- Added client name clickable into invoice table when click showing filter it.-- Added Tags in Credit Note menu-- Added client name and status clickable into Credit Note table when click showing filter it.-- Added Tags in proposals menu-- Added status clickable into proposals table when click showing filter it.-- Added Tags in tickets menu-- Added deptname clickable into tickets table when click showing filter it.-- Added

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