TikTok Video Downloader Without Watermark & Music Extractor
TikTok Video Downloader Without Watermark & Music Extractor

TikTok Video Downloader Without Watermark & Music Extractor

  • Uploaded : 27th January 2023
  • Views : 752

TikTok Video Downloader Without Watermark & Music Extractor

Important Notice:

Support for TikTok script version 2.x will be deprecated on 15 OCT 2022, all APIs will stop working after that. you’re recommended to upgrade the script to the latest version 3.x in order to avoid any disruption. Description:

It is one of the best TikTok Downloaders available online to download TikTok videos without watermark. You are not required to install any software on your computer or mobile phone, all that you need is a TikTok video link, and all the processing is done on our side so you can be one click away from downloading videos to your devices.

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Features: Responsive Design SEO Optimized Mobile Version Optimized Using TikTok private Api Download Original Audio Original + No Watermark Video Download Multiple Ad Spaces Well Commented code Demo TikTok Downloader Demo Admin Panel Demo Email: demo@codespikex.com Password: password Requirements Please read the whole documentation along with the requirements at TikTok Downloader Docs Disclaimer

Please read this carefully in order to understand. Each of the API’s have the possibility to break, change, deprecate at any time depending on the changes they make to their website and I have no control and take no responsibility for this matter. Although I will try to keep this updated as fast as possible and fix any potential bug that might appear because of this matter. Refunds due to mentioned API problems that might occur used within the script are not viable.

This product is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by TikTok or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.

Using our custom API outside of this script is strictly prohibited and in such cases, your license can be blocked.


Please make sure to always back up your files before updating. I am not responsible for any update going wrong and messing/losing your previous or actual files.

NOTE: After the recent TikTok update only dedicated proxies will work and shared proxies can face captcha issues.

Version 3.0.5 – 28 Nov, 2022 Video download issue fixedMinor Fixed/** APP UPDATES **//app/Exceptions/TikTokVideoNotFoundException.php/app/Listeners/CreateTikTokVideoRecord.php/app/Models/HasCoverImage.php/app/Models/Proxy.php/app/Models/Video.php/app/Service/TikTok/TikTok.php/composer.json/themes/Minimal/Controllers/FetchController.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="3.0.4" => APP_VERSION="3.0.5"

Version 3.0.4 – 23 Nov, 2022 Popular Video Issue FixedSitemap Issue FixedVideo Download Issue FixedVideo Cover Issue FixedMinor Fixes/** APP UPDATES **//app/Console/Commands/UpdateUserPasswordCommand.php/app/Http/Controllers/DownloadFileController.php/app/Http/Controllers/Installer/FinishInstallationController.php/app/Listeners/CreateTikTokVideoRecord.php/app/Models/Video.php/app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php/app/Service/TikTok/TikTok.php/app/Traits/WriteEnv.php/database/migrations/2022_09_01_104112_create_videos_table.php/themes/Minimal/Controllers/SitemapController.php/themes/Minimal/resources/assets/css/app.css/themes/Minimal/resources/views/components/layout.blade.php/themes/Minimal/resources/views/components/section/popular-videos.blade.php/themes/Minimal/routes/web.php/** CLEAR THEME CACHE **/Clear the framework cache by visiting https://yourdomain/admin/appearance and clicking Clear Cache/** SQL QUERY **/Open your database in phpMyAdmin and navigate to videos table and run the following sql command in the SQL tab and press Go.ALTER TABLE `videos` CHANGE `cover` `cover` TEXT NOT NULL;/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="3.0.3" => APP_VERSION="3.0.4"

Version 3.0.3 – 28 Sep, 2022 TikTok video fetch issue fixedSupport for MariaDB addedMinor Fixes/** APP UPDATES **//app/Http/Controllers/Installer/FinishInstallationController.php/app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php/app/Service/TikTok/Contracts/TikTokAPI.php/app/Service/TikTok/TikTok.php/app/Traits/WriteEnv.php/themes/Minimal/resources/views/components/layout.blade.php/themes/Minimal/resources/views/components/splash.blade.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="3.0.2" => APP_VERSION="3.0.3"

Version 3.0.2 – 16 Sep, 2022 TikTok video fetch issue fixedMinor Fixes/** APP UPDATES **//app/Service/TikTok/TikTok.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="3.0.1" => APP_VERSION="3.0.2"

Version 3.0.1 – 13 Sep, 2022 Installation errors fixedComposer updatedMinor Fixes/** APP UPDATES **//app/Console/Commands/Theme/ClearCache.php/app/Http/Controllers/Installer/ConfigureDatabaseController.php/app/Http/Controllers/Installer/CreateAdminController.php/app/Http/Controllers/Installer/FinishInstallationController.php/app/Http/Controllers/Installer/VerifyPurchaseCodeController.php/app/Providers/InstallerServiceProvider.php/app/Service/StorageConfig.php/app/Traits/Wizard.php/app/Traits/WriteEnv.php/resources/views/installer/database.blade.php/resources/views/installer/requirements.blade.php/themes/Minimal/resources/assets/css/app.css/themes/Minimal/resources/views/privacy.blade.blade.php/themes/Minimal/resources/views/tos.blade.blade.php/themes/Minimal/routes/web.php/** COMPOSER UPDATES **//vendor/ *Complete Folder Replace*/composer.json/composer.lock/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="3.0.0" => APP_VERSION="3.0.1"

Version 3.0.0 – 12 Sep, 2022 ** NOT COMPATIBLE WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS **** MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS CHANGED **New look & experienceBuilt from scratchMigrated to Laravel 9.xEasy to customizeTheme support addedLocalisation support addedRTL support addedSEO optimized pagesFast data loadAdmin panel simplifiedBetter AdSense/Ad Networks supportPopular videos page addedFAQ page addedMany more great featuresFor fresh installation please refer to the docs https://tiktok.docs.codespikex.com/New Requirements: https://tiktok.docs.codespikex.com/#requirements

Version 2.5.10 – 24 May, 2022 Meta description issue fixed.Minor Fixes/** APP UPDATES **/app/Repository/Meta.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.enAPP_VERSION="2.5.9" => APP_VERSION="2.5.10"

Version 2.5.9 – 13 May, 2022 Important update, critical error in the video fetch function fixed.Sitemap issue fixed.Minor Fixes/** APP UPDATES **//app/Repository/TikTokVideo.php/app/Http/Controllers/DownloadController.php/resources/views/sitemap.blade.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="2.5.8" => APP_VERSION="2.5.9"

Version 2.5.8 – 10 May, 2022 Important update, critical error in the video fetch function fixed./** APP UPDATES **//app/Repository/TikTokVideo.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="2.5.7" => APP_VERSION="2.5.8"

Version 2.5.7 – 03 May, 2022 Can't add new page issue fixed.404 Page issue fixedMinor Fixes/** SOURCE FILE UPDATES **//resources/js/routes/index.ts/resources/js/Pages/Admin/Pages/List.vue/resources/js/Pages/Page.vue/resources/js/store/modules/pages.ts/** ASSETS UPDATES **//public/css/ (all files in the folder)/public/js/ (all files in the folder)/public/mix-manifest.json/** APP UPDATES **//app/Http/Controllers/Api/PagesController.php/app/Http/Resources/PagesResource.php/routes/web.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="2.5.6" => APP_VERSION="2.5.7"

Version 2.5.6 – 30 April, 2022 Important update, critical error in the video fetch function fixed./** APP UPDATES **//app/Repository/TikTokVideo.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="2.5.5" => APP_VERSION="2.5.6"

Version 2.5.5 – 25 April, 2022 Unable to fetch tiktok video issue fixed./** APP UPDATES **//app/Repository/TikTokVideo.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="2.5.4" => APP_VERSION="2.5.5"

Version 2.5.4 – 09 April, 2022 Important update, critical error in the video fetch function fixed./** APP UPDATES **//app/Repository/TikTokVideo.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="2.5.3" => APP_VERSION="2.5.4"

Version 2.5.3 – 11 March, 2022 No watermark button not working on iPhone devices fixedMinor Updates/** SOURCE FILE UPDATES **//resources/js/Components/Layout/VideoBox.vue/resources/css/components/layout/video-box.scss/** APP UPDATES **//public/css/ (all files)/public/js/ (all files)/public/mix-manifest.json/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="2.5.2" => APP_VERSION="2.5.3"

Version 2.5.2 – 09 March, 2022 "Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0" error while installation fixed.Minor Improvements/** APP UPDATES **//app/Http/Controllers/Installer/InstallController.php/database/migrations/2022_02_28_194555_create_videos_table.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **//.envAPP_VERSION="2.5.1" => APP_VERSION="2.5.2"

Version 2.5.1 – 07 March, 2022 "Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0" error while installation fixed.Extra code not getting added solvedMinor Improvements/** APP UPDATES **//app/helpers.php/resources/views/app.blade.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\.envAPP_VERSION="2.5" => APP_VERSION="2.5.1"

Version 2.5 – 04 March, 2022 * Major Update *Framework replaced with Laravel LumenPostgres support addedSub-directory supportDependencies UpgradeAdSense issues fixedProxy issues fixedImproved mobile supportMultiple No Watermark Link optionsVideo preview removed (due to CORS)Many more improvements & bug fixesPlease refer to the upgrade documentation here https://tiktok.docs.codespikex.com/upgrade-2.3.x-to-2.5

Version 2.3.8 – 23 June, 2021 "Something went wrong" issue fixedMinor Fixes/** APP UPDATES **/\lite\app\Services\TikTok.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.3.7', => 'version'=>'2.3.8'

Version 2.3.7 – 06 April, 2021 "Something went wrong" issue fixedMinor Fixes/** APP UPDATES **/\lite\app\Services\TikTok.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.3.6', => 'version'=>'2.3.7'

Version 2.3.6 – 11 Feb, 2021 TikTok mobile links not working issue fixed.Minor Fixes/** APP UPDATES **/\lite\app\Services\TikTok.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.3.5', => 'version'=>'2.3.6'

Version 2.3.5 – 28 Dec, 2020 Fixed missing files in v2.3.4minor fixes/** APP UPDATES **/\lite\app\Services\TikTok.php\lite\vendor\codespikex\lite\helpers.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.3.4', => 'version'=>'2.3.5'

Version 2.3.4 – 24 Dec, 2020 Tiktok Mobile links not working fixedminor tweaks/** APP UPDATES **/\lite\app\Services\TikTok.php\lite\vendor\codespikex\lite\helpers.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.3.3', => 'version'=>'2.3.4'

Version 2.3.3 – 10 Dec, 2020 GoogleAdsense issue resolvedSitemap updatedminor tweaks/** APP UPDATES **/\lite\app\Controllers\SitemapController.php\lite\app\views\sitemap.php\lite\app\Models\Video.php/** ASSET FILES **/ /assets/js/* (All Files)/assets/css/app.css/** SRC FILES **/\lite\app\src\sass\components\element\_adSpace.sass\lite\app\src\ts\components\element\adSpace.vue\lite\app\src\ts\app.ts* lite\app\package.json updated/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.3.2', => 'version'=>'2.3.3'

Version 2.3.2 – 06 Dec, 2020 "Something went wrong" issue fixedFiles to Replace/** APP UPDATES **/lite/app/Sevices/TikTok.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.3.1', => 'version'=>'2.3.2'

Version 2.3.1 – 17 Nov, 2020 Script Installation issue fixedProxies page bug fixedFiles to Replace/** APP UPDATES **/install/index.phpinstall/installer/vendor/* (Complete Folder)/** ASSET FILES **/ /assets/js/* (All Files)/** SRC FILES **//lite/src/ts/pages/Admin/Proxies/Index.vue/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.3.0', => 'version'=>'2.3.1',

Version 2.3.0 – 15 Nov, 2020 Proxies compatibility added to counter "Something went wrong! Video not found" errorMigration from curl to GuzzleVideo covers now serves directly (No download needed)Random User-Agents on every request to TikTokMany more bug fixesNote: Few days ago TikTok aggressively started using captchas on every request andstarted blocking server IPs which causes "Something went wrong! Video not found" error, in order to tackle this issue we've added proxies compatibility, proxies will now be usedwhile getting data from TikTok and there will be much less chance of getting captchasand hard IP blocks.You can get cheap shared datacenter proxies pool from Luminati, their price starts at $0.6/Gb.Luminati Proxies: https://bit.ly/luminatiproxiesFiles to Replace/** APP UPDATES **//index.php/cron.php/lite/vendor/* (Complete Folder)lite/vendor/codespikex/lite/Utility/Config.phplite/vendor/codespikex/lite/helpers.phplite/app/Services/TikTok.phplite/app/Models/User.phplite/app/Controllers/DownloadController.phplite/app/Controllers/API/ProxyController.php (New File)lite/app/Controllers/API/v1/FetchController.phplite/routes/api.phplite/config/proxy.php (New File - It should have write permission)/** ASSET FILES **//assets/js/* (All Files)/assets/css/app.css/** SRC FILES **/lite/src/ts/pages/Admin/Proxies/* (New Folder)lite/src/ts/routes/index.tslite/src/ts/helpers/utils.ts/lite/src/sass/pages/Admin/_Proxies.sass (New File)/lite/src/sass/pages/all.sass/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.2.8', => 'version'=>'2.3.0',/** IMPORTANT CHANGES **/After replacing index.php file if you've already installed the script but it is redirectingyou to installation page? Make these changes in index.php file on line 3Finddefine('$INSTALLED$',true); (Only on Line 3)Replace it withdefine('INSTALLED',true);

Version 2.2.8 – 31 Oct, 2020 HD NON-Watermark video downloadTikTok API UpdatedMinor tweaksFiles to Replace/** APP UPDATES **/\lite\app\Services\TikTok.php\lite\vendors\codspikex\lite\helpers.php\lite\app\Controllers\DownloadController.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.2.7', => 'version'=>'2.2.8',

Version 2.2.7 – 31 Oct, 2020 Watermark video download issue fixedTikTok API updatedMinor tweaksFiles to Replace/** APP UPDATES **/\lite\app\Services\TikTok.php\lite\vendors\codspikex\lite\helpers.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.2.6', => 'version'=>'2.2.7',

Version 2.2.6 – 23 Oct, 2020 TikTok API updatedCronjob issue fixedMinor tweaksFiles to Replace/** APP UPDATES **/\lite\app\Services\TikTok.php\lite\app\Jobs\CoverChecker.php\lite\app\Jobs\VideoChecker.php\lite\app\kernal.php/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.2.5', => 'version'=>'2.2.6',

Version 2.2.5 – 05 Oct, 2020 Error while fetching tiktok video fixedMinor tweaksFiles to Replace/** APP UPDATES **/\index.php\lite\vendors\codspikex\lite\helpers.php\lite\app\views\home.php/** CREATE FOLDERS **/\storage\videos\storage\covers\storage\user/** IMPORTANT CHANGES **/After replacing index.php file if you've already installed the script but is redirecting you to installation page? Make these changes in index.php file on line 3Finddefine('$INSTALLED$',true); (Only on Line 3)Replace it withdefine('INSTALLED',true);/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.2.4', => 'version'=>'2.2.5',

Version 2.2.4 – 03 Oct, 2020 Video covers not loading fixedUser picture not loading fixedOriginal video download fixedVideo preview fixedCronjobs updatedMinor tweaks/** IMPORTANT **/Delete all entries in "videos" Database table/** APP UPDATES **/\lite\app\Controllers\API\v1\FetchController.php\lite\app\Controllers\DownloadController.php\lite\app\Jobs\CoverChecker.php\lite\app\Jobs\VideoChecker.php\lite\app\Servics\TikTok.php\lite\vendors\codspikex\lite\helpers.php\index.php\cron.php/** REMOVE **/\storage\.htacess/** CONFIG UPDATE **/\lite\config\app.php'version'=>'2.2.3', => 'version'=>'2.2.4',

Version 2.2.3 – 04 Sep, 2020 Cronjobs issue fixed.Extra Code issue fixed.Minor FixesFiles to Replace/** ASSET FILES **//assets/js/*.js (All Files)/** APP FILES **//lite/app/Controllers/API/SettingController.php/lite/app/Jobs/CoverChecker.php/lite/vendor/codespikex/lite/helpers.php/** CONFIG SETTINGS **/in "/lite/config/app.php" filechange ( 'version'=>'2.2.2', ) => ( 'api_version'=>'2.2.3', )/** SRC FILES **//lite/src/ts/pages/Admin/Code.vue

Version 2.2.2 – 27 Aug, 2020 Non-watermark video download issue fixed. Files to Replace/** ASSET FILES **//assets/js/*.js/** APP FILES **//lite/app/Controllers/DownloadController.php/lite/app/Services/TikTok.php/** CONFIG SETTINGS **/in "/lite/config/app.php" filechange ( 'version'=>'2.2.1', ) => ( 'api_version'=>'2.2.2', )//SRC FILES/lite/src/ts/pages/Admin/Settings.vue

Version 2.2.1 – 25 Aug, 2020 Non-watermark issue fixed.Extra Code issue fixed.Minor Fixes Files to Replace/** ASSET FILES **//assets/css/app.css/assets/js/*.js (All Files)/** APP FILES **//lite/app/Controllers/DownloadController.php/lite/app/Controllers/API/v1/FetchController.php/lite/app/Jobs/VideoChecker.php/lite/app/Services/TikTok.php/** FRAMEWORK FILES **//lite/vendor/codespikex/lite/helpers.php/lite/vendor/codespikex/lite/Utility/Config.php/** CONFIG SETTINGS **/in "/lite/config/app.php" filechange ( 'api_version'=>'v1|v15', ) => ( 'api_version'=>'wrapper', )change ( 'version'=>'2.1.1', ) => ( 'api_version'=>'2.2.1', )//SRC FILES/lite/src/ts/helpers/utils.ts/lite/src/ts/layouts/AdminLayout.vue/lite/src/ts/mixins/SearchInput.ts/lite/src/ts/pages/Admin/Settings.vue/lite/src/ts/components/layout/videoBox.vue/lite/src/ts/components/element/topSearch.vue/lite/src/ts/components/element/recentSearch.vue

Version 2.1.1 – 05 July, 2020 New Tiktok Video Url support (vt.tiktok.com)Ads Size overflow issue fixedShow Download size when file is being downloadedMinor Fixes Files to Replace\lite\app\Controllers\DownloadController.php\lite\vendor\codespikex\lite\helpers.php\assets\css\app.css\assets\js\*.js (All Files)

Version 2.1.0 – 01 July, 2020 API V1.5 ReleasedSitemap.xml fixedUrl change on video screenAdsense codes improvementsNew ad slots on the main pageGoogle Analytics bugs fixedMany More Improvements Files to Replace\lite\config\code.php\lite\app\Controllers\API\v1\FetchController.php\lite\app\Controllers\API\SettingController.php\lite\app\Controllers\DownloadController.php\lite\app\Services\TikTok.php\lite\app\views\home.php\lite\app\views\sitemap.php\lite\vendor\codespikex\lite\helpers.php\lite\vendor\codespikex\lite\Utility\Config.php\assets\js\* (All Files)\assets\css\app.css

Version 2.0.1 – 23 June, 2020 -Polyfills Added-MS Edge(old) Support-Mobile device touch issue fixed-Cronjobs fixed-Placeholder for deleted video cover-Escape comments in code blocks-Many more minor fixesFiles to Add\assets\images\no-image.jpgFiles to Replace\assets\css\app.css\assets\css\preloader.min.css\assets\js\*.js (Whole Folder)\lite\app\kernal.php\lite\app\views\home.php\lite\app\Models\Video.php\lite\app\Jobs\ImageChecker.php\lite\app\Jobs\VideoChecker.php\lite\app\Controllers\HomeController.php\lite\app\Controllers\API\SettingController.php\lite\app\Controllers\API\v1\FetchController.php

Version 2.0 – 18 June, 2020 - Complete new UI Design- Built from Scratch- Landing Page- Single Video page Re-design- New Admin Panel- CMS Page System- Customizable Navigation Menu- Customizable Social Links- Cronjobs Introduced- Dark Theme Support- Framework Updated- Auth System Improved- Session Workaround- API Updated- Lots of other features

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