Taxio Pro - Taxi Booking React Native CLI App Ui Kit
Taxio Pro - Taxi Booking React Native CLI App Ui Kit

Taxio Pro - Taxi Booking React Native CLI App Ui Kit

  • Uploaded : 03rd April 2024
  • Views : 188

Taxio Pro - Taxi Booking React Native CLI App Ui Kit


This project is a TEMPLATE. Not backend project. Built on React Native CLI.

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Taxio Pro is a comprehensive and feature-rich React Native UI Kit Template designed specifically for creating a taxi booking and online car booking application using React Native CLI. With its extensive collection of more than 180 user screens, pre-designed components, and various layouts, Taxio Pro significantly accelerates the development process, making it an excellent choice for developers looking to build a high-quality taxi booking app.

The flexibility of Taxio Pro is one of its key strengths. It is designed to be fully customizable, allowing developers to tailor the UI according to their specific branding requirements and application flow. Customization options may include adjusting color schemes, typography, iconography, and overall UI layout to create a unique and visually appealing user interface.

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Use cases for this template:

  • Online Cab / Taxi Booking App
  • Rideshare App
  • Online Transportation App
  • Online Car Booking
  • Online Booking Service App
  • Messenger App (Chatting & Call)
  • E-Wallet App
  • Map / GPS App


  • Built with CLI React Native
  • Only Functional Components & React Hooks
  • Well structured components
  • Clean and Easy Code with Clear Navigation.
  • This UI Provides Easy, Enjoyable, and Effective Interaction Between the User and the App
  • Organized Layers and Groups.
  • Responsive design to any device screen
  • Light & Dark Mode Support
  • Dark & Light Map View Support
  • Taxi Booking with GPS & Real Time Driver Tracking
  • Taxi Booking Management (History, Completed, Active, & Cancel Booking Features)
  • Fare Taxi Summary, Driver & Vehicle Details, & Review/Rating Features
  • Secure Multiple Payment Methods & Promo/Special Offers Features
  • E-Wallet (Top Up, Transaction History, & E-Receipt Features)
  • Favorites Features & Taxi Booking Booking Complete Flow with Multiple Payment Methods
  • Maps Features (Search / Find Taxi Booking Nearby / Around User)
  • Messenger Features (Chat & Calls Management)
  • Onboarding, Sign up, Sign in, Forgot & Reset Password, Advanced Account Setup, Help Center (FAQ & Contact Support), Profile, Settings, & More

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