Smart Sections Theme Builder v1.3.9 - WPBakery Page Builder Addon
Smart Sections Theme Builder v1.3.9 - WPBakery Page Builder Addon

Smart Sections Theme Builder v1.3.9 - WPBakery Page Builder Addon

  • Uploaded : 13th July 2024
  • Views : 9

Smart Sections Theme Builder v1.3.9 - WPBakery Page Builder Addon

Smart Sections Theme Builder is a WordPress Plug-in that you can visually edit and customize any part of your website with WPBakery Page Builder a.k.a. Visual Composer. You can create new horizontal or vertical headers for your website and replace it with your default theme header.

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Smart Sections Theme Builder is a WordPress Plug-in that you can visually edit and customize any part of your website with WPBakery Page Builder. You can create new horizontal or vertical headers for your website and replace it with your default theme header. You can also create footers, sidebars, mega menus, sticky items, mobile menus and layouts for content pages. You can even create listing card design templates for post grids or your archive pages.

Note:WPBakery page builder is not bundled inside this plug-in. Make sure that you have copy of an unmodified version of WPBakery Page Builder or bundled with your theme inside of it.

Take Control of Your Entire WordPress Website

Thanks to Smart Sections, you can design any section of your website with WPBakery Page Builder. You can create a new header for your website horizontally or vertically and replace it with your default theme header. You can also create footers, sidebars, mega menus, sticky items, mobile menus and layout for content pages. You can even create listing card designs for your archive pages.
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Create Post Listing Card Design Templates with Smart Sections and Add to Any Page with a VC Element Shortcode!

You can even create listing card designs for your archive pages with Smart Sections’ dynamic post short codes. We have created special VC element shortcodes so you can design your post listing cards freely and visually with the WPBakery Page Builder interface.

With the ‘Post Listing’ shortcode, you can create masonry post listings with a load more button or infinite scroll with an advanced data options.

You can assign any section to any page!

While you can set a different header for single blog posts, you can assign an entirely different one to a specific archive page or the home page. You can even customize your search results page with an entirely different header or footer or display a specific sticky section.

You can easily make any section sticky!

From headers to sidebars, you can display a sticky section anywhere on your pages, like a sticky social sharing box at the left side or a sticky contact form at the corner. Or what about creating sticky headers.

Different triggering options to display a section.

You can display your sections just at the right time, for example, when a specific section on the page is visible on the screen when the visitors scroll the page, or when the page is scrolled within specific position in pixels, or when a toggle button is clicked. You can also determine the delay and duration of the visibility of your sections.

Display different sections at different screen sizes.

Smart Sections can be created fully responsive for any screen size. You can determine specific pixel sizes of the screen to display your different sections. For example, you can display a different header on desktop screens, another one in tablet and an entirely different header in mobile screens.

Unlimited Style Options with Smart Styles

With ‘Smart Styles’, you can customize our Smart Sections elements within a comprehensive detail. You can style your elements with every styling field of WPBakery Page Builder’s ‘Design Options’ plus with additions such as Box Shadow and custom Border Radius for every corner. We have also included single color or gradient overlays for every element. Smart Style comes with a text style editor for all dynamic shortcode elements. You can style not only the container elements but also every internal part of it. One other groundbreaking feature is that you can add different styles for the elements when hovered or when the element is active.

Enter Your Purchase Code & Reach 100+ Pre-designed Demo Sections

We have created over a hundred different Smart Section demos for you to import with a few clicks and start using right away or customize according to your requirements. Click on the button below to see the awesome things you can do with the Smart Sections WordPress Plug-in.


Version 1.7.8# Fixed: Search functionality for all post types in "Search Box" element: plugins/visucom-smart-sections/vc_elements/gusta_search_box.php line 182Version 1.7.7# Fixed errors related to PHP 8# Fixed issues related to navwalker class for navigation# Fixed invisible icons in Smart Styles gradient optionVersion 1.7.6# Fixed: Fatal error: Cannot declare class OCDI_Plugin, because the name is already in use in wp-content\plugins\visucom-smart-sections\includes\one-click-demo-import\one-click-demo-import.php on line 22Version 1.7.5# Updated: One-Click-Demo-Import plugin for importing demos# Fixed: The magic method OCDI\OneClickDemoImport::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /public_www/wp-content/plugins/visucom-smart-sections/one-click-demo-import/inc/OneClickDemoImport.php on line 128Version 1.7.4 November 11, 2022# Fixed: Call to a member function get_cart_contents_count () on null in gusta_cart_icon.phpVersion 1.7.3 November 11, 2022# Added: Post Listing Element sorting with custom field# Added: Hide Sticky Sections when a specific element is display on page# Added: Show Sticky Sections when cursor moves out of the window# Fixed: Conflict issues with several pluginsVersion 1.7.2 November 11, 2022# Added: Word limit feature in Post Title elementVersion 1.7.1 March 6, 2022# Fixed: Warning: Undefined variable $productVersion 1.7.0 - December 25, 2021# Fixed: Undefined index 'icon_position' in includes/css.php# Fixed: __wakeup() must have public visibilityVersion 1.6.9 - December 4, 2021# Fixed: Site Logo element does not post the selected imageVersion 1.6.8 - November 19, 2021# Fixed: Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool (vc_elements/gusta_site_logo.php)# Fixed: Warning: Undefined variable $enable_scroll (includes/js.php)# Fixed: Term Title not visible on Taxonomy Listing element (gusta_post_title.php)# Added: Advanced Card Design in Post Filter element (gusta_post_filter.php)# Fixed: Uncaught error with "smooth-scroll" classVersion 1.6.9 - November 5, 2021# Fixed: Site Logo element does not post the selected imageVersion 1.6.8 - November 5, 2021# Fixed: Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool (vc_elements/gusta_site_logo.php)# Fixed: Warning: Undefined variable $enable_scroll (includes/js.php)# Fixed: Term Title not visible on Taxonomy Listing element (gusta_post_title.php)# Added: Advanced Card Design in Post Filter element (gusta_post_filter.php)# Fixed: Uncaught error with "smooth-scroll" classVersion 1.6.7 - 21 June 2021# Fixed: Responsive font-size not working on a few elements# Fixed: Unnecessary

tag at the beginning of post listing grid elements# Fixed: WPBakery conflicts in CSS (assets/css/style.css)# Fixed: Sticky Posts option not working correctly# Added: Sticky Posts option to Post Carousel element# Added: "No Posts Found" text option in Post Listing and Post Carousel elements# Added: Show primary categories (or other taxonomies) first (if the Yoast SEO plugin is activated)# Fixed: target="_blank" issues in links with no title (includes/wp.php)# Fixed: No posts shown in default query when Smart Sections is assigned in archive pages (vc_elements/gusta_post_listing.php)# Fixed: Post Filter not working with some taxonomies (includes/load-more.php)Version 1.6.6 - 28 April 2021# Added: class to category items in Post Categories element# Fixed: Conflict with Contact Form 7 AJAX form submit# Fixed: Disabled scroll on the section toggle element# Fixed: Home active text in Breadcrumb element when custom array is selectedVersion 1.6.5 - 27 March 2021# Fixed: Section Toggle not working (assets/js/scripts.js)Version 1.6.4 - 22 March 2021# Fixed: Error: The plugin does not have a valid header on activation.Version 1.6.3 - 18 March 2021# Fixed: Menu item stays active when the mega menu is hovered outside.# Fixed warnings and notices on "property_exists" in vc_elements/gusta_post_listing.phpVersion 1.6.2 - 18 March 2021# Fixed: Search Results does not display correct posts (vc_elements/gusta_post_listing.php)Version 1.6.1 - 16 March 2021# Fixed: Notice: Undefined variable: css_class in vc_elements/gusta_social_sharing_box.php# Fixed: Smart Styles not working due to no unique ID in elements.# Fixed: Menu items acting weird on hover and hover out (assets/js/scripts.js)# Fixed: Trying to get property 'display_name' of non-object in vc_elements/gusta_post_author.php# Fixed: Trying to get property 'ID' of non-object in vc_elements/gusta_post_featured_image_as_background.php# Fixed: Trying to get property 'post_author' of non-object in vc_elements/gusta_post_author.php# Fixed: Custom post type archives not working properlyVersion 1.6.0 - 6 March 2021# Added: A new class "gusta-child-term" to child taxonomies in the "Post Filter" element (vc_elements/gusta_post_filter.php).# Added: Feature to select multiple post listing elements that are being triggered by the post filter element.# Added: Update notice feature in the Plugins page.# Added: Envato Market Plugin implemented inside the plugin to receive updates directly.Version 1.5.9 - 28 December 2020# Fixed: Parent categories do not show up in the breadcrumb element (vc_elements/gusta_breadcrumb.php)Version 1.5.8 - 27 December 2020# Fixed: Lightbox issue on Featured Image as Background (vc_elements/gusta_post_featured_image_as_background.php, includes/vc.php)# Fixed: Breadcrumb element issue in WooCommerce pages (vc_elements/gusta_breadcrumb.php)# Added: Show / Hide Shop page link & product category in breadcrumb element (vc_elements/gusta_breadcrumb.php)Version 1.5.7 - 2 November 2020# Fixed: Post Excerpt element showing wrong data in product categories (vc_elements/gusta_post_excert.php)Version 1.5.6 - 24 October 2020# Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined index: s in vc_elements/gusta_search_box.php on line 71# Fixed: PHP Notice: Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in vc_elements/gusta_post_title.php on line 63# Fixed: Breadcrumb element not showing the right values in archive pages (vc_elements/gusta_breadcrumb.php)# Added: You can now show only sticky posts or remove the query in the “Post Listing” element (vc_elements/gusta_post_listing.php)# Added: You can now add Smart Sections files inside your theme to the “smart-sections” folder to customize the files. Visit the following URL for details: 1.5.5 - 25 September 2020# Fixed: Post Featured Image animation not working# Fixed: Above Content Section not visible in archive pages# Fixed: Migrate Plugin error: ‘ready’ function depreciated# Fixed: Migrate Plugin error: jQuery.fn.load() is deprecated# Edited: Section Toggle element text field now supports HTMLVersion 1.5.4 - 28 July 2020# Fixed: Megamenu issue with autocomplete fieldsVersion 1.5.3 - 23 June 2020# Updated: ACF Pro to Version 5.8.12Version 1.5.2 - 18 June 2020# Fixed: Post Listing in taxonomy “Archives” displayed posts from child terms as well. We fixed it, so it only shows post from that specific term.Version 1.5.1 - 26 May 2020# Added: Include or exclude specific terms in the “Post Listing Filter” element# Added: Do shortcodes in post custom field elementVersion 1.5.0 - 2 May 2020# Fixed: Dropdown filter javascript error# Fixed: Post Title bringing post title in Archive pagesVersion 1.4.9 - 15 April 2020# Fixed: “All” text in dropdown post filterVersion 1.4.8 - 11 March 2020# Fixed: Scroll functions in sticky sectionsVersion 1.4.7 - 8 January 2020# Fixed: Data restriction does not stay in effect when using post filters# Fixed: Dynamic CSS for Post Taxonomies element# Fixed: Sticky sections with offset settings transparency issue# Added: Archive child taxonomies in Taxonomy Listing elementVersion 1.4.6 - 26 October 2019# Fixed: Fonts function gusta_get_google_font_subsetsVersion 1.4.5 - 5 September 2019# Added: ‘All Text’ field inside Post Listing Filter element.Version 1.4.4 - 12 August 2019# Added: Custom link to Site Logo element# Fixed: Row alignment issues in Jupiter and Bridge child themesVersion 1.4.3 - 30 July 2019# Added: Previous / Next Post usage in post listing element# Fixed: Smart Style issue in the Post Tags elementVersion 1.4.2 - 24 July 2019# Fixed: Javascript error: undefined index “page”.# Fixed: Post Listing Data Filter issue when post types have common taxonomies# Fixed: Post Listing fails to initialize the masonry grid (JS error: jQuery.load_more is not a function)Version 1.4.1 - 8 July 2019# Fixed: Archive pages or search results now return the default WP query with altered data filtering# Fixed: Post Listing jQuery error: jQuery.load_moreVersion 1.4.0 - 8 June 2019# Fixed: Shortcode elements loading too early# Fixed: The structure of post tags, categories, taxonomies and custom field elementsVersion 1.3.9 - 4 June 2019#Fixed: Social Media Links outputs an arrayVersion 1.3.8 - 4 June 2019#Fixed: Elements missing in WPBakery interface after WPBakery 6.0.3 updateVersion 1.3.7 - 30 May 2019# Fixed: One Click Demo Conflict Issue: Fatal error: Cannot declare class OCDI_Plugin# Fixed: High number of queries with a high number of users# Fixed: Owl Carousel conflict with other plugins/themes# Added: Shortcode capability to post custom field element# Fixed: Ignore sticky posts in Post Listing element query# Fixed: Featured Image as Background link# Fixed: “Plugin does not have a valid header”Version 1.3.6 - 30 May 2019# CSS Fix: Moana CF7 editor overlapping meta box Version 1.3.5 - 6 March 2019# Changed the NavWalker class name to Gusta_Nav_Walker…# Added: Array support for Post Custom Field element# Fixed: Link to Post Custom Field as Image# Fixed: Colorpicker incompatibility# Fixed: Load more on

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