Real Estate Agency Portal
Real Estate Agency Portal

Real Estate Agency Portal

  • Uploaded : 16th May 2023
  • Views : 469

Real Estate Agency Portal

3150+ Happy users! Thank You So Much!

Frontend user login and property submissionTest R-T-L

Script was born to be ahead in innovation and at the peak of the real estate portal solutions, specifically designed for easy customization and use.
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Result of desire to make our clients happy is this completely new redesign for our script even after 6 successful year on marketplace and we still try to make our script even better! New Compatible Mobile App in Flutter for iOS and Android (Not included in price)

Why is Real estate agency portal script your best choice for real estate business?You can earn money providing listing and featured submissions for visitors on portal with PayPal/Cash/Bank transfer payment supportYou can earn money with Google AdSense or other similar serviceYou can add custom fields (textareas, inputs, dropdowns, upload) / Indoor amenities / Outdoor amenities / distances direct from Admin interface (No programming skills needed)Top notch multilanguage (Backend+Frontend) features like auto-translating with MyMemory API service and Google translator (manually corrections are also supported), RTL, look this extra simplicity, try administration!Real multicurrency support ( different currency and different price on different language and different purposes Sale/Rent )Exclusive innovation on results filtering (Very simple, intuitive and powerful), you must try this on our live preview!Supported front-end and backend user-types/roles with submissions: Admin, Agent and front-end Agent/User with admin verificationFront-end Facebook login for extra lazy guysEach agent/agency and user have public profile page with all listings, logo can be listed on homepageEnquires system for you and your agents in administrationExtra easy to use, drag & drop multi image upload, reorder images, pages, fieldsInnovative drag & drop Menu and pages builder with logical page structure embeddedCheck in / check out dates for rental purpose.Backup your database and files direct from administrationEasy to make new custom theme, Bootstrap responsive example with 6 color styles provided and nice documentationTrack your visitors with Google AnalyticsBased on Codeigniter, so if you know it you can easy customize anything you wantIncredible support, documentation, knowledge base, FAQ section and quick answering on any issue!

If at least one of the answers is yes, see the application and you wll love it. Support Open Street Maps and Google Maps.

Visual Page Editing.

Add/Edit, Drag & drop any field, Indoor/outdoor amenities, distances, or custom fields like Floor etc. with icons of course.

New innovation with visual rectangle drawing search!Earn money with submission and featured listings (Cash/Bank transfer also supported) for frontend users, Adsense and similar services is also supportedMore then 60+ languages supported with auto-translate feature based on MyMemory API and Google translatorSupport all world currencies in listings (can be different based on langauge) and all PayPal supported currencies for PayPal payments

Native multilanguage support

Easy location enteringAuto-suggest based on City, County, Zip

Easy search form template customization

Visual energy efficient and gas emissions pluginWalkscore plugin integratedSearch for properties near your addressDrag & Drop files/images for multiple upload or reorderCustom upload fields like plan image company image etc…Facebook login for lazy guys…Facebook comments social plugin integratedAgent/admin stars rating and views counter for each propertyExtra color examples with demo picker for test

What People Are Saying About Real Estate Agency Portal

The script is so awesome that there are several clones on the market (with public confession), you can not make a mistake if you buy the original version )” title=”;)” />

We will try to maintain compatibility with old layout to simplify update proccess for our old clients

Extendable with many addons and themes

Similar Wordpress theme also available


Technical documentation, Knowledge base, FAQ, Support center Application is based on CodeIgniter PHP framework, if you know CodeIgniter you can easily customize the system.CodeIgniter is a very simple framework with the best documentation ever seen, so you can easy learn it.Download PackageSource JSSource CSSSource PHP filesDocumentationPreview example and bootstrap theme examplesServer requirementsPHP version 5.6 or newerMySQL (4.1+)Changelog1.7.3 – 23 February 23mobile footer menunew PHP support improvementsSmall fixes

Update instructions from 1.7.2: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.7.2 – 5 May 22new PHP support improvementsSmall fixes

Update instructions from 1.7.1: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.7.1 – 28 December 21new PHP support improvementsNew adons supportSmall fixes

Update instructions from 1.7.0: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.7.0 – 23 May 21PHP 8 support improvementsfixes on new template layoutColor edit fix in adminSmall fixes

Update instructions from 1.6.9: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.9 – 28 Yanuary 21 PHP 8 supportCurrency picker not dependent on languageLangauge picker improvementsSearch form improvements with tabs and search moreLayout small fixes on designCompatibility with addons

Update instructions from 1.6.8: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.8 – 18. August 20Layout small fixes on designCompatibility with addons

Update instructions from 1.6.7: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.7 – 29. February 20Layout complete redesignPHP 7.4 compatibility fixesCompatibility with addons

Update instructions from 1.6.6: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.6 – 03. June19Layout fixesPHP 7.3 compatibility fixesFacebook compatibility fixesGoogle API improvementsCompatibility with addons

Update instructions from 1.6.5: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.5 – 24.October 18Google/Maps api improvementsLayout fixes on mobile devicescms_config.php added support for $config[‘terms_link’]translation improvementsmobile apps api improvementsnew PHP support improvementsgeocoding loading indicatorpreview listing link added on edit listing formhttps improvements

Update instructions from 1.6.4: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.4 hotfix1 – 31.July 18DB issue with saving treefieldAmazon AWS improved supportSmall layout improvementsOpen street maps support (backend + frontend)

Update instructions from 1.6.4: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 2x times if you using older version 1.6.4 – 4. July 18Easy translations for widgets on frontendListing Management improvementGoogle API updatesSmall Layout improvementsResponsive improvementsWidget editing links improvementsClone listing featureFIX, Added missing text for translations

Update instructions from 1.6.2: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 2x times 1.6.2 – 16 November 17WYSIWYG editor changedNew templates and plugins compatibility[FIX] DB fix[FIX] Layout issues

Update instructions from 1.6.1: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.1 – 22 June 17Mobile API support for quick submission/register/login/favoritesQuick add listing without registrationNew templates supported like: or URL tag addedCaching feature improvementcaptcha improvementsRussian langauge updatedtypeAgency now can have agents relatedDependent fields (different field for specific property type)Sitemap improvements[FIX] edit image, transparency issues[FIX] Packages expire issues when using this addon[FIX] Property search issues in admin[FIX] Layout issues

Update instructions from 1.6.0: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.6.0 – 9 November 16Update to PHP 5.6 as requiredoffline page supportvisual search form builderLinks on slidersome responsive design improvementsaddress/gps not requireddate field typedropdown multiple field typeis_features for api addedmore number format supported for priceprofile social links added to property previewexternal links improvementslive results counters on sidebar searchsearch and remove multiple inquiriesuser search by email in admin

Update instructions from 1.5.9: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.9 – 2 July 16HTTPS issuesPHP7 compatibility improvementsagent description fixadded caching feature, for fast loading menu, property, agent pagesrecaptcha supportuser/admin menu improvements, quick links to edit pagesearchable dropdown elements, designed for large number of listings, tested with 100.000danish flag renamedcustom fields for user profilemap pin markers and amenities icons now can be uploaded via adminRenamed badget to badgeHints on property submission form for each fieldUpdater improvementsLast edit IP saved in database

Update instructions from 1.5.8: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.8 – 20 February 16Admin dashboard map translation parameter supportSingle website link for homepage in all menu itemsinquiries search in admin, same as user/propertiesFavicon icon uploadWatermark upload via adminProperty submission disabled feature via adminFacebook comments widget translationsCommercial google translate api supportTitle and link on slider imagesBreadcrumb addedcustomsearch2 template with price scales exampleapi improvements for external app support[FIX] change color fix for some login pages[FIX] double markers when adding property on frontend[FIX] Fixes in result items[FIX] External modules compatibility[FIX] Missing translation on editproperty

Update instructions from 1.5.7: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.7 – 27 December 15Field hidden on preview page fixSpanish and Italian language files update, thanks to E.B.Image cutter and resizerPagination on agent profile page

Update instructions from 1.5.6: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.6 – 25 October 15Persian language updated, Thanks to S.G.!Google translations API updatedDisabled removing last ADMINNew email your property waiting for activationNew email you property is activated by ADMIN/AGENTAgent video upload field“cookie warning for EU” now translatableRectangle size depends on zoom indexGoogle-maps controls repositionProfile page with paginationAgent other estates paginationDropdown language menu versionDelete multiple properties at once for adminUpload marker icon/image in bootstrap2-responsive template

Update instructions from 1.5.5: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.5 – 6 August 15map popup as widgettranslation files zip exportproperty inquiry form auto populated for logged usersCzech keyboard fix for numeric inputsInstallation error reporting improvementValidation improvements for non-existing coordinatesScript news hidden for agentmail & widgets & templates code editorMortgage calculator module support (cost additionally)admin map fixed location supportall emails now have template filesNumerical filtering range enable in databaseFacebook share buttons to top on property previewOnly search header template addedModules in administrationBeta feature: Searching parameters and pagination added to URL, can be enabled with:$config[‘enable_ajax_url’] = TRUE;Facebook login updated for api v2.4 support, with adding:$config[‘facebook_api_version’] = ‘2.4’;check chmod on installation and adding languagesDatabase problem with special chars in password fixed

Update instructions from 1.5.4: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.4 – 25 May15Serbian language added, thanks to R.M.!Installation disabled if database is not emptyUpdater, disable clicking 2 times on update buttontidy HTML fixer integrated into auto translatorAdmin marker issue, double markers fixedBackup issue can’t be restored fixedAdd notice to recommend cpanel backups as wellDisable FAQ configurator parameter addedFew settings moved from cms_config.php to administrationMy messages added for frontend agents/usersBenchmarking toolsTested and optimized with 10.000 propertiesPerformance improvements also in backend/adminMulti-domain support (different domain for different language)Agent description added on agent profile page?search=zagreb now filter also map resultsHeader template can be changed via adminFooter template can be changed via adminOn translate files, also translate content if same existsProperties search in adminPayment can be disabledDepended fields (Specific inputs hidden for land or other type of property)Company info added to preview pageLast script news, tips, instructions added to dashboard

Update instructions from 1.5.3: extract all files except ?/files? folder and ?/application/config? folder and update database by running new updater script: index.php/updater 1.5.3 – 8 March 15Website link in administrationConfigurator improvementSuffix/Prefix added into property submission

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