On-Demand Home Services, Business Listing, Handyman Booking with Admin Panel
On-Demand Home Services, Business Listing, Handyman Booking with Admin Panel

On-Demand Home Services, Business Listing, Handyman Booking with Admin Panel

  • Uploaded : 14th December 2023
  • Views : 547

On-Demand Home Services, Business Listing, Handyman Booking with Admin Panel

– Version: 3.0.0 – Last update: 02/10/2023 – File Included: Full Source code of Customer Flutter App (Android & iOS) with PHP Admin Panel – Service Provider App Not Included – Subscription Package Not Included

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On-Demand Home Services, Business Listing, Booking Application

Complete solution using flutter framework created by Google is open-source mobile application development. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications

Our solution uses Laravel (PHP Framework for Web Artisans) Laravel is a web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things. Customer Mobile App Features Multiple Service Providers with their Management System Classified businesses & Services. Geolocation & Google Maps address picker. Live chat between customers and providers Light or Dark Theme Support. Easy to Brand & Customize. Multiple Payments Gateway Integrations. Multi-Languages Support (including LTR & RTL). Multi-Currency Support. Discounts & Coupons Easy Login & Authentication Managing profile settings Intuitive & User-Friendly Animations Help & Support for customer and service providers Favorites, Wishlist Services Tracking and Filter BookingsEasy to Brand & CustomizeIt is extremely easy and convenient to rebrand the app and customize the theme of the app as per your needs.

You can launch an app with your own branding. You can easily change the app color theme, logos, and icons with minimal effort. The app has intuitive and user-friendly animations built into it. These animations intend to provide a smooth app usage experience to the end clients. The animations include – Hero Animations, Parallax Animations, Sliding & Swiping animations. Light or Dark Theme SupportYou can choose from a light or dark theme.

For your end-user application. It is really easy to switch the theme. LTR & RTL Multi-Languages SupportThe app and the admin panel support multiple languages

RTL (Right To Left) languages are fully supported. Now you can build your on-demand home service solution in Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, Urdu, or any other language that is written from right to left. Booking ManagementThe customer can schedule, track or cancel his bookings

After the customers book a service, they can track the status of the booking by toggling the booking tab, also he can cancel the booking if the provider is not accepted it. the customer can confirm if the provider start working and finish his work to calculate the duration of service Payments Gateway IntegrationsThe app supports integrations with all major payment gateways

The current version only supports PayPal Gateway. The app also supports Cash On Delivery (COD) Payments upon booking finished. The product supports multiple currencies. You can create your own currency and then the entire product suite will be changed as per the currency selected. Admin Panel Features Admin dashboards and statistics. Multi Roles and Permission (Admin, Service Provider, Customer). Paypal Payments Gateway. Multi-language Admin panel Social media Authotications. Medias & File Manager IntegratedReporting DashboardsAdmins can view a reporting dashboard

They can view a quick summary of bookings, earnings, employees, and more. Booking ManagementAfter the customer places a booking,

The service provider employees or admins can accept/decline, or change the status of the booking displayed on a timeline, also they can cancel it. Brand & StylingIt is extremely easy and convenient to rebrand the app and customize the theme of the app as per your needs.

You can launch an app with your own branding. You can easily change the app color theme, logos, and icons with minimal effort. Light or Dark Theme Support.You can choose from a light or dark theme

The admin of the application can choose his preferable theme mode. It is really easy to switch between light or dark themes. Media & File Manager.The admin and service providers can easily manage their files and images.

They can upload new files or delete previous media using the media library on the admin panel. Media files can be uploaded in different categories such as Avatar, App Logo, Image & more. You can upload single or multiple media files using our drag and drop upload feature. Multi-Currency SupportThe product supports multiple currencies.

You can create your own currency and then the entire product suite will be changed as per the currency selected. Custom Pages / FieldsExtend easily your application.

All entities such as users, services, providers, categories, etc. in the application can be easily extended by adding custom fields to the entity. For example, a second mobile number can be added to the user entity/table, also you can add a web-based page by providing the title and content of the page such as the Terms and condition, privacy, or announcement page, the customer can view these pages using his mobile application. Configure Email ServersYou can connect the product suite with an email server.

SMTP, Mailgun, or Sparkpost and accordingly send emails about bookings status notifications or email verification when customers forgot their passwords. Easy Login & Authentication.There are easy login and authentication.

Customer Login: Customers can create an account using a mobile app or using a web admin panel. All customers can upgrade to the provider services role by just requesting on the admin panel. Service Provider Login: Can sign in to their account on the admin panel or mobile app. Admin Login: Admin can log in to the admin panel. Admin Panel (PHP / LARAVEL BACKEND)AdminUser or email: admin@demo.comPassword: 123456Market ManagerUser or email: provider@demo.comPassword: 123456ClientUser or email: customer@demo.comPassword: 123456Cutomer Mobile Demo App (FLUTTER / DART)Customer AccountUser or email: customer@demo.comPassword: 123456Other Customer AccountUser or email: customer2@demo.comPassword: 123456Cutomer Website Demo App (VUEJS 3)Customer AccountUser or email: customer@demo.comPassword: 123456Other Customer AccountUser or email: customer2@demo.comPassword: 123456Provider Mobile Demo App (FLUTTER / DART)Provider AccountUser or email: provider@demo.comPassword: 123456Other Provider AccountUser or email: provider2@demo.comPassword: 123456DocumentationWhat they say about our Apps ?

Follow us on Social MediaChange LogV3.0.0 | 02-10-2023- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 3.13.2 Stable Release & Android SDK 33)Fix bookings screen scrollingNull safety supportFix internal bugs and errorsUpdate dependencies & flutter 3.13.2 to support Android SDK 33V2.2.2 | 15-10-2022- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 3.3.4 Stable Release & Android SDK 33)Fix address latitude and longitude.Fix modules packages ( https://home-services.smartersvision.com/modules )Fix internal bugs and errorsUpdate dependencies & flutter 3.3.4 to support Android SDK 33V2.2.1 | 27-07-2022- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 3.0.5 Stable Release & Android SDK 32)Add a new feature to allow users to delete their account (a new Apple Requirement)Fix bookings list loading screenFix modules packages ( https://home-services.smartersvision.com/modules )Fix internal bugs and errorsUpdate dependencies & flutter 3.0.5 to support Android SDK 32- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.3 or Higher)Fix reset password emailFix mobile application translation files ( resources/lang/en, resources/lang/de, resources/lang/es, resources/lang/ar )Fix internal bugs and errorsV2.2.0 | 28-05-2022- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 3.0.1 Stable Release & Android SDK 32)Add bookings list loading screenAdd a new loading favorite services screenAdd a new loading for the services screenAdd a new loading screen for the bookings listFix (getLatLng) function in the booking details screenFix loading faqs by categoriesFix confirm & book now buttonUpdate package for support flutter 3.0.1Fix modules packages ( https://home-services.smartersvision.com/modules )Fix internal bugs and errorsUpdate dependencies & flutter 3.0.1 to support Android SDK 32- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.3 or Higher)Add Mobile Authentication menu linkFix mobile application translation files ( resources/lang/en, resources/lang/de, resources/lang/es, resources/lang/ar )Fix internal bugs and errorsV2.1.0 | 27-04-2022- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 2.10.5 Stable Release & Android SDK 32)Fix modules packages ( https://home-services.smartersvision.com/modules )Enable/disable OTP verificationFix internal bugs and errorsUpdate dependencies & flutter 2.10.5 to support Android SDK 32- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.3 or Higher)Fix laravel Modules cache.Save language in the user session.Add mobile authentication setting to enable/disable OTP verification ( https://home-services.smartersvision.com/settings/mobile/authentication )Add new features (Create/Edit/Delete) providers from the mobile app.Fix a new provider subscription module ( https://home-services.smartersvision.com/modules ).Fix mobile application translation files ( resources/lang/en, resources/lang/de, resources/lang/es, resources/lang/ar )Fix internal bugs and errorsV2.0.0 | 05-04-2022- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 2.10.4 Stable Release & Android SDK 31)Add modules packages ( https://home-services.smartersvision.com/modules )Fix phone field packageFix internal bugs and errorsUpdate dependencies & flutter 2.10.4 to support Android SDK 31- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.3 or Higher)Add laravel modules packageAdd a new provider subscription module as an addon ( https://home-services.smartersvision.com/modules )Fix mobile application translation files ( resources/lang/en, resources/lang/de, resources/lang/es, resources/lang/ar )Fix internal bugs and errorsV1.2.7 | 18-03-2022- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 2.10.3 Stable Release & Android SDK 31)Add new static maps to the booking details pageAdd address in the provider details pageAdd loading translation files from the serverFix phone number length verificationFix discount price of servicesFix availability hours translationsFix error messagesFix google_maps_place_picker_mb packageFix internal bugs and errorsUpdate dependencies & flutter 2.10.3 to support Android SDK 31- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.3 or Higher)Add mobile application translation files ( resources/lang/en, resources/lang/de, resources/lang/es, resources/lang/ar )Fix APIs to adapt with customer website: https://1.envato.market/home-services-webFix internal bugs and errorsV1.2.6 | 23-02-2022- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 2.10.1 Stable Release & Android SDK 31)Add phone number with country codeFix deprecated functions - remove unused importsFix internal bugs and errorsUpdate dependencies & flutter 2.10.1 to support Android SDK 31- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.3 or Higher)Fix APIs to adapt with customer website: https://1.envato.market/home-services-webAdd Default Country in the Mobile App SettingsFix internal bugs and errorsV1.2.5 | 10-01-2022- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 2.8.1 Stable Release & Android SDK 31)Fix payment details screenFix internal bugs and errorsUpdate dependencies & flutter 2.8.1 to support Android SDK 31- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.2 or Higher)Fix APIs to adapt with customer website: https://1.envato.market/home-services-webFix data-tables sort itemsFix internal bugs and errorsV1.2.4 | 23-11-2021- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 2.5.3 Stable Release & Android SDK 31)Add enable/disable booking for servicesFix Html tags from Help & Faq ScreenFix translations filesFix internal bugs and errorsUpdate dependencies & flutter 2.5.3 to support Android SDK 31- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.2 or Higher)Add Google Maps picker and autocomplete addressAdd enable/disable booking for servicesAdd Service Provider App Name in App SettingsFix hidden provider types when creating or editing a service providerFix internal bugs and errorsUpdate translations filesV1.2.3 | 05-11-2021- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 2.5.3 Stable Release )Add Paymongo as a new payment method for PhilippineFix booking issue when email notification not configuredFix a wallet payment methodFix translationsFix internal bugs and errorsUpdate dependencies & flutter 2.5.3- Admin Panel Application ( PHP Version 7.2 or Higher)Add Paymongo as a new payment method for PhilippineFix disable Email Notification from the admin panelFix email notification templatesFix internal bugs and errorsUpdate translationsV1.2.2 | 17-09-2021- Customer Mobile Application ( Flutter version 2.5.0 Stable Release )Fix when clicking on notification popup redirect to booking/chat screenFix wallet payment menu buttonFix updating booking in real-time when the admin or the provider changes it.Fix timezone issues for booking datesFix validate rating servicesFix choose address translationFix links to chat & booking details on the notification screenFix current location when picking a new addressFix deprecated color propertiesFix translationsUpdate dependencies & flutter

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