Mobile Native Social Timeline Applications - For WoWonder Social PHP Script
Mobile Native Social Timeline Applications - For WoWonder Social PHP Script

Mobile Native Social Timeline Applications - For WoWonder Social PHP Script

  • Uploaded : 17th July 2024
  • Views : 7

Mobile Native Social Timeline Applications - For WoWonder Social PHP Script

WoWonder Timeline is a social timeline application for WoWonder PHP Social Network, with WoWonder Timeline users can Post & Interact with users feeds and like and comment and more , now using the application is easier, and more fun ! WoWonder Timeline is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated. What does the item package include?- Main Item: Android Xamarin Native Full Funcational Source Code. - Design: Android XML Codes. Requirements: 1- WoWonder PHP v4.3.0 or higher. 2- Vs2022 IDE. For Android Compile and Editing.NOTE: If you are charging your users or selling in-app purchases you should obtain the extended license Application Features

  • Login Pages: Added ability to login normally and via 6 different social communities.
  • Welcome Page : Added ability for users to choose between register and login on welcome page.
  • Register Page: Added ability to register an new account.
  • Forget Page: Added ability for users to recover their account via email address.
  • Registration steps: Added ability for users to upload there Avatars and display recommended users.
  • Walkthrough Pages: Added ability to advertise chat application during Registration steps.
  • Timline Page: Added ability to see all kind of posts Text, Pictures, Videos, Maps, Feelings, and more .
  • Friends & Follow System: Application Supports friends system like Facebook, follow system like twitter.
  • Native Injection:: Added ability for users to see likes and wonders and delete and interact with post nativly.
  • Add Post Page: Added ability for users to add new post as text or image or video or activities and feelings.
  • Post Privacy: Added ability to control post Privacy.
  • Friends Page: Added ability to display all users friends on one page .
  • User Profile Page: Added ability for users to open users profile and timelines and get there information and feeds.
  • Comunity Page: Added ability for users to display liked pages and joined groups on one page .
  • Search Page: Added ability to search for users & pages and groups with ability to add or like or join during the search.
  • Search Filter Page: Added ability to filter search results via Avatar or Status or Gender and more.
  • Profile Picture: Dynamic profile picture for users.
  • My Images Page: Display all posted photos with users comments and likes.
  • Market Place: Added ability for users to get latest products and contact there owners.
  • Add Product Page: Added ability for user to add there own product attached with images & informations and price.
  • #Hashtags: Displays trending and related topics shared by users.
  • @Mentions: Use @username to tag people in a status or messages.
  • Saved Posts: User can save posts to view them later.
  • Delete & Edit Posts: User can delete and edit his own posts.
  • Save Posts: User can save posts to view them later.
  • Liked pages: Added ability for users to like pages and get pages feeds and action buttons .
  • Groups: Added ability for users to join groups and get groups feeds and informations.
  • Messages system: Added ability for users to chat and send messages integrated with the WoWonder Messenger v1.5.
  • Pro members Profiles: Added ability for users to see pro members types on each user Profile.
  • Notifications Page: Added ability to display all notifications with Events such as like , shared, commented, etc.
  • Push Notifications: Added ability for users to get notifications for users activities and more.
  • Friend Requests: Added ability to accept or cancel friend requests.
  • Trending Hashtag: Users can see last trending hashtags on left slider.
  • Premoted Pages: Users can see last promoted pages on left slider.
  • Pro Members: Users can see promoted members on left slider.
  • Pro Upgrade Page: Added ability for user to upgrade his account to pro member.
  • Settings page Added ability for user to control his privacy and settings.
  • Acount Page: Added ability for users to control there account password & username and email.
  • Help Page: added ability for users to see and read some help or about us.
  • Blocked users:: Added ability for users to unblock or block there friends and users profiles.
  • Notification settings: Added ability for users to control notifications (Led color & Sound and Vibrate) .
  • My Profile: Added ability for users to change there avatar & cover & informations and social links.
  • Handling Offline: Added ability to handel offline mode and bad connections. .
  • Cache system 60% of data is cached on mobile device.
  • Handling Image : Added ability to handle image download and cache load for more performance and speed .
  • Material design: Applicatiom responsive 85% in all kind of platforms Mobile, iTab, Tablets and more.
  • Toasts & Alerts: Added ability to display alerts , Toasts , success , errors, loadings , and more.
  • Integration: Added integration with WoWonder Messengers and Desktop Application and Main php script.
  • Empty State pages: Added Empty state pages and offline pages with easy customization.
  • Settings Class: Added abilty to easly install and customize and change application langush
  • Articles Add ability for users to read articles or blogs
  • Animations : add Animations on pages and items
  • Sync Phone contact Added Sync Phone contact list and check for available users phone numbers.
  • Certificate Chains: Added Certificate Chains && Secure Protocols for High secured servers.
  • Events: Added abilty to view and create events from the app.
  • Find Near by: Added abilty find near by friends using GPS.
  • User Status: Added abilty to create and view user status.
  • Pokes: Added abilty to send and recieve pokes from users.
  • Popular Posts: Added abilty to display top posts.
  • Boost Post: Added abilty to boost post for users
  • Jobs: Added abilty for users to create jobs and hire
  • Common things: Added abilty to find users that matches your information
  • Funding: users can create funds, and get paid
  • UpdatesAndroid Stable Version 5.1.9 [18 May 2024] Note: This update brings a host of new features and improvements to enhance the functionality and user experience of our application. It includes system upgrades, new additions, and several bug fixes to ensure compatibility with WoWonder v4.3.1 and above.
  • [Migrated] To .Net 8.0 – Android 14 SDK + Build tools 34
  • [Reduced] Application size from 231MB to 165MB
  • [Added] Mediation between ads system Admob vs AppLovin
  • [Added] Reset avatar for user – page – group
  • [Added] Small ads in the comments & reply
  • [Added] A dialog box to select the language application
  • [Added] A comment and event-like button on the offer profile
  • [Added] Repeat video reels
  • [Fixed] The event-like button post after adding a new post
  • [Fixed] Delete group & page
  • [Fixed] Show Add Me in my username
  • [Fixed] Add new posts on user, page, and group profile
  • [Fixed] Freeze the app when clicking on the volume player
  • [Fixed] Change background color (login – register – forget password) page
  • [Fixed] Scan QRCode
  • [Fixed] Crash CircleImageView Lib
  • [Fixed] Run In-App Billing
  • [Fixed] Other bugs
  • [Updated] For multiple packages
  • [Added] A new system for report mode API
  • Android Stable Version 5.1.8 1 January 2024 Overview: This update brings enhancements and fixes to ensure compatibility with WoWonder v4.3.1 and above. It includes improvements in ad placements, notification types, and various system updates. Key fixes include issues with stickers, video story playback, and more, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • [Updated] Code to work with WoWonder v4.3.1 and above.
  • [Added] All option Placement when creating an ad.
  • [Added] New type for notifications.
  • [Added] New system for OneSignal.
  • [Fixed] Show Stickers.
  • [Fixed] Play video story after upload.
  • [Fixed] Play song after completion.
  • [Fixed] Register page issues.
  • [Fixed] Select file from storage and check if allowed.
  • [Fixed] Play video post.
  • [Fixed] Open dialog gallery.
  • [Fixed] Store Review App functionality.
  • [Fixed] Other bugs.
  • [Updated] Braintree PayPal integration.
  • [Updated] Stripe system.
  • [Updated] Socket system and fixed related bugs.
  • [Updated] Google Ads system (AdMob).
  • [Updated] Google services.
  • [Updated] For multiple packages.
  • Android Stable Version 5.1.7 8 December 2023Note: This version release is highly important as it saves sensitive data from being leaked by network sniffers and network packet collectors with the help of the Encryption Key, while focusing on improving and adding new features, and updating the SDKs – resulting in a stable application.
  • [Update] New Cert key is required.
  • [Updated] To work with WoWonder v4.3.1 and above
  • [Added] New style for Video Editor.
  • [Added] Total Item Units & Sub Categories for Product.
  • [Added] Rewarded Advertising System.
  • [Added] Purchased Products.
  • [Update] Braintree PayPal
  • [Update] Socket IO system.
  • [Update] Google services.
  • [Fixed] Show Stickers.
  • [Fixed] Play video story after upload.
  • [Fixed] Reset password issues.
  • [Fixed] Play song after complete.
  • [Fixed] Get pages invites.
  • [Fixed] 10+ Reported bugs.
  • Android Stable Version 5.1.6 4 August 2023Note: This version has fixed most of the reported bugs since June 2023, while focusing on improving and adding new features related to the ads system, and updating the SDKs – resulting in a stable application.
  • [Added] Native ads in the reels videos section.
  • [Added] Alert Dialog if there is an Error a Call agora.
  • [Added] New Reaction icons.
  • [Update] Braintree PayPal.
  • [Update] Google ads system (AdMob).
  • [Update] Socket IO system.
  • [Update] Google services.
  • [Update] New Cert key is required.
  • [Removed] Adcolony due to Google Policy.
  • [Fixed] YouTube player when RTL and other bugs.
  • [Fixed] Like a comunity page.
  • [Fixed] Checkout issue on all carts.
  • [Fixed] Edit Product on marketplace.
  • [Fixed] Show Ad Rewarded Video in admob.
  • [Fixed] 10+ Reported bugs.
  • Android Stable Version 5.1.5 21 June 2023Note: This version has fixed most of the reported bugs since February 2023, while focusing on improving app design on the marketplace and events and adding new 6+ payment processors, and updating SDKs – resulting in a stable application and design.
  • [Migrated] To wallet system.
  • [Added] AppLovin Ads system.
  • [Added] FlutterWave Payment gateway.
  • [Added] SecurionPay Payment gateway.
  • [Added] AuthorizeNet Payment gateway.
  • [Added] AamarPay Payment gateway.
  • [Added] PayStack Payment gateway.
  • [Added] CashFree Payment gateway.
  • [Added] Address system.
  • [Improved] MarketPlace with a new design.
  • [Improved] Backward & Forward to YouTube Player.
  • [Update] Braintree PayPal.
  • [Update] Stripe Payment gateway Sdks.
  • [Update] Google services.
  • [Fixed] Permissions issue on Android 13.
  • [Fixed] Facebook ads And login.
  • [Fixed] Crash app when QrCode Scanner is open.
  • [Fixed] Google play rejection issue after the new policy.
  • [Fixed] ExoPlayer and open full screen.
  • [Fixed] 28+ Reported bugs.
  • Android Stable Version 5.1.4 13 February 2023Note: This version has fixed most of the reported bugs since October 2022, while focusing on improving app design and updating SDKs to prepare for 2023 – resulting in a whopping 30% performance upgrade for the application and more stable design with a fix of the dark mode themes.
  • [Migrated] Net7.0 – Android 13 SDK + Build tools 33.
  • [Added] New redesigned theme for 60% of the app.
  • [Added] Background player for voice posts.
  • [Added] New redesigned tabs.
  • [Added] New 7+ Image posts styles.
  • [Added] New Exo player version.
  • [Added] Shimmer load views.
  • [Added] New Report system.
  • [Improved] Memory Usage.
  • [Improved] All Resources not used was removed.
  • [Update] PayPal payment.
  • [Update] Google billing system.
  • [Update] Ads-colony, one signal, razorpay.
  • [Update] Google services.
  • [Fixed] Scroll issue on my profile.
  • [Fixed] Fast Post loading issues.
  • [Fixed] Spalsh screen design on android 12.
  • [Fixed] Google play rejection issue after the new policy.
  • [Fixed] Google play rejection RTC.
  • [Fixed] 25+ Reported bugs.
  • Android Stable Version 5.1.3 16 September 2022
  • [Migrated] To android 12.1 SDK + build tools 32.
  • [Added] Ability to switch application

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