

  • Uploaded : 03rd July 2023
  • Views : 475


Version 3.9.4 has been released! | Documentation

Note: This plugin requires PHP 7 or higher and (optionally, for best performance) WordPress 6.0 or higher!
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Notice: Lighthouse is removing the Core Web Vitals and the CrUX features.

Read the announcement here.

Lighthouse is a performance tuning plugin, removing lots of default WordPress behaviour, such as filters, actions, injected code, native code and third-party actions. Increase your site loading speed up to 300%

For a WordPress installation to work as expected, load fast and error-free, it needs a bit of cleanup in order to help the browser cache the requested content and the caching plugins to work with 100% efficiency.

With Lighthouse, you save over $480 in over 10 hours of coding by a web developer, which you would need pay to do it for your website, or to purchase separate optimisation plugins. Case Studies

“Makes a huge difference. Reduced number of queries and increased speed by over 20%”

“Very good cache and compression! (other options are great, too!) I combined this with WP Speed of Light and get a great performance by this. Hope you keep on the great work! ❤”


Changelog= 3.9.2 =* FEATURE: Added registration spam prevention feature* FEATURE: Added option to disable the REST API for non-authenticated users* FEATURE: Added option to disable user enumeration* UPDATE: Added new "Security" tab* UPDATE: Updated ChartJS to latest version (4.3.0)= 3.9.1 =* UPDATE: Added ClassicPress recommendation and update WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Moved Core Web Vitals to its own tab* UPDATE: Updated Thin UI library to latest version (2.0.2)* UPDATE: Updated ChartJS to latest version (4.2.1)* UPDATE: Removed legacy toggle styles* UPDATE: Optimized toggle UI* UPDATE: Removed unneeded options and settings= 3.9.0 =* FIX: Fixed undefined queries in WordPress back-end* SECURITY: Add failed login count* SECURITY: Refactor Dashboard cards and add a Security card= 3.8.9 =* UPDATE: Added (experimental) Time to First byte and Interaction to Next Paint to CrUX report* UPDATE: Tweaked Settings screen header size for better visibility* UPDATE: Added option to remove the `classic-themes.min.css` file* SECURITY: Added brute-force login basic functionality= 3.8.8 =* FIX: Fixed multiple plugin updates from the same provider= 3.8.7 =* FIX: Removed non-functional Git Updater plugin and all dependencies* UPDATE: Refactored automatic lifetime updates= 3.8.6 =* FIX: Removed TGMPA plugin recommendations due to a conflict with PHP 8.1+* FIX: Removed old, unused CSS styles* UPDATE: Updated UI massively to use the standardized Thin UI library* UPDATE: Refactored chart/metric boxes to use less HTML elements and load faster= 3.8.5 =* UPDATE: Updated PHP and WordPress recommendations* UPDATE: Used the IntersectionObserver API to only prerender links when they are visible. This will prevent the browser from prerendering links that the user may never actually interact with, which can improve the overall performance of the page. Additionally, using requestIdleCallback to schedule the prerendering logic to run when the browser is idle can ensure that the user's experience is not impacted by the prerendering process.* UPDATE: Used the function to measure the time it takes to execute the prefetching logic. The prefetch_throttle_delay value is adjusted based on the measured performance, ensuring that the prefetching logic only runs when the browser is able to handle it without impacting the user's experience.* UPDATE: Optimized back-end performance by refactoring several loops* UPDATE: Refactored code to allow for faster execution= 3.8.4 =* FIX: Remove option to block WebP image creation as it's not a Core feature yet= 3.8.3 =* FIX: Fix TGMPA library conflict with some plugins* UPDATE: Update WordPress recommendations= 3.8.2 =* FIX: Fix custom UI fonts to prevent FOUT* FIX: Fix SpeedFactor settings redirection (after save)* FIX: Remove unused function* UPDATE: Combine query tables* UPDATE: Update WordPress recommendations* UPDATE: Update WordPress compatibility= 3.8.1 =* FIX: Fix ChartJS version* FEATURE: Add query tracker* FEATURE: Add media-related settings* UPDATE: Add heartbeat settings* UPDATE: Add new preset "none" (reset all options)* UI: Make nav tabs smaller to fit another tab= 3.8.0 =* FIX: Fix legend circle being too big and overlapping the text* UPDATE: Update back-end fonts* UPDATE: Update ChartJS fonts* UPDATE: Update Lighthouse UI* UPDATE: Update options tab name in SpeedFactor email notification* UPDATE: Split SpeedFactor settings and prefetch/preconnect settings* FEATURE: Add server details UI* FEATURE: Add new Tips & Tricks section= 3.7.6 =* FIX: Removed unused option* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations* UPDATE: Updated PHP requirements* UPDATE: Updated ChartJS (3.7.1 to 3.9.1)* UPDATE: Added database server info* FEATURE: Added new Storage section* FEATURE: Added option to block WebP image creation* FEATURE: Added option to disable application passwords* FEATURE: Added option to disable big image handling (introduced in WordPress 5.3)= 3.7.5 =* FIX: Fixed WordPress recommendations* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Removed custom SVG URL for front-end only= 3.7.4 =* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Updated ChartJS (3.3.2 to 3.7.1)* UPDATE: Updated WPCS specifications* UPDATE: Removed unused .eslintrc resource file* UPDATE: Updated code according to WordPress Coding Standards= 3.7.3 =* UPDATE: Remove Dashicons options as it does not apply anymore and, in some rare cases, it breaks the admin bar for non-admin users* UPDATE: Remove deprecated hooks as they are not being applied anymore= 3.7.2 =* FEATURE: Added options to disable automated plugin update email notifications* FEATURE: Added options to disable automated theme update email notifications* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations* UPDATE: Updated WPCS specifications= 3.7.1 =* FIX: Fixed 2 typos* UPDATE: Exposed current database version on the plugin Dashboard* UPDATE: Removed 8 database queries on plugin installation* UPDATE: Added PHP requirements (7+)* UPDATE: Removed CPU and memory check as not many hosts allow running the calls* UPDATE: Improved back-end performance by removing several OS/server calls= 3.7.0 =* FEATURE: Implemented code cleanup on demand* FEATURE: Implemented optimization presets* UPDATE: Updated code according to WordPress Coding Standards* UPDATE: Removed unused file and cleaned up old code* UPDATE: Removed unused variables and improved audit performance* UPDATE: Removed emoji from option name* UPDATE: Removed Security tab and moved options to the Performance tab* UPDATE: Removed CMS tab and moved options to the Setup tab* UPDATE: Updated Frequently Asked Questions section= 3.6.2 =* UPDATE: Added a Frequently Asked Questions section on the plugin's dashboard* UPDATE: Added a access token helper for automatic updates* UPDATE: Updated PHP recommendations= 3.6.1 =* FEATURE: Added HTML, inline JS and inline CSS minification* UPDATE: Updated UI for the options navigation bar= 3.6.0 =* FEATURE: Added Core Web Vitals tracking and evolution= 3.5.4 =* UPDATE: Removed EDD licensing model and preparing for a subscription model (phase 2)= 3.5.3 =* UPDATE: Added TGMPA class to include Git Updater= 3.5.2 =* FIX: Fixed beacon creation* UPDATE: Removed EDD licensing model and preparing for a subscription model* UPDATE: Minified prefetch.js and prerender.js= 3.5.1 =* UPDATE: Removed HTML minification as the algorythm was not saving enough to justify the output buffering time= 3.5.0 =* FIX: Only use the wp_enqueue_scripts action once and enqueue/dequeue in one place as required (4 requests -> 1 request)* FIX: Only use the plugins_loaded action once and filter as required (3 requests -> 1 request)* FIX: Check and define fallback value for CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0 if it is not defined* FIX: Fixed CRON items being non-accessible* FIX: Fixed issue with CrUX.js being enabled globally* FIX: Fixed lots of unused variables being used (leftovers from SpeedFactor transition)* FIX: Fixed a division by zero error* UPDATE: Removed error reporting and monitoring and only add a guide (-1 include request, -1 option request)* UPDATE: Removed 2 options from loading by default (added specific options and disabled them by default) (-2 filters)* FEATURE: Only load SpeedFactor files in the back-end* FEATURE: Added block editor (Gutenberg) options* FEATURE: Added srcset removal option* FEATURE: Added jetpack.css removal option= 3.4.8 =* UPDATE: Added option to deregister mediaelement.js* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations* FIX: Change some of the option labels to make options more clear= 3.4.6 =* FEATURE: Added Chrome User Experience Report (needs a Google Lighthouse API key)* UPDATE: Added more contextual help for the TTFB measurement* UPDATE: Improved speed of the SpeedFactor report page* FIX: Fixed TTFB raw value= 3.4.5 =* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations= 3.4.4 =* UPDATE: Added optional email notification for each audit= 3.4.3 =* FIX: Fixed updater path= 3.4.2 =* UPDATE: Added automatic blogging/commenting optimization* UPDATE: UI improvements= 3.4.1 =* FIX: Fixed textarea sanitization* UPDATE: Added automatic Beacon creation= 3.4.0 =* FEATURE: Merged SpeedFactor monitoring and tracking* FEATURE: Merged SpeedFactor payload monitoring* UPDATE: Switched from Git Updater to proprietary license* UPDATE: Switched to a yearly support/updates plan= 3.3.2 =* UPDATE: Updated minimum PHP recommendations* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations= 3.3.1 =* FIX: Removed beacon creation* UPDATE: Updated minimum PHP recommendations= 3.3.0 =* FEATURE: Added instant loading (prerendering and prefetching)* FEATURE: Added option to remove core lazy loading* FIX: Remove option to disable archives/taxonomies* FIX: Remove option to disable REST API as more and more core features depend on this feature* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations* UPDATE: Updated minimum PHP recommendations* UPDATE: Cleaned up plugin back-end and remove statistics= 3.2 =* UPDATE: Removed jQuery Migrate option as the script will be removed starting with WordPress 5.5* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations= 3.1.1 =* FEATURE: Added GitHub Updater compatibility and removed hard-coded GitHub API* UPDATE: Removed questionable scripts-to-footer options* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Updated minimum PHP recommendations* UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations= 3.1.0 =* FEATURE: Added SpeedFactor beacon* UPDATE: Removed license and hardcode it for easier update* UPDATE: Added guide for default WordPress optimization= 3.0.3 =* FIX: Renamed user agent for the updater class* FIX: Renamed updater class name to avoid conflicts= 3.0.2 =* FIX: Renamed wrong license option name (again)= 3.0.1 =* FIX: Renamed wrong license option name= 3.0.0 =* FIX: Removed potentially confusing details* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Updated minimum PHP recommendations* UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations* UPDATE: Updated UI* FEATURE: Added SpeedFactor integration= 2.9.0 =* UPDATE: Removed all TinyMCE-related options (embeds and emojis)* UPDATE: Removed `lighthouse_clean_attributes` option, as WordPress 5.3 adds theme support for this* UPDATE: Removed cached menus as they lose dynamic classes and IDs* UPDATE: Removed cached template parts as it's not good practice anymore (there's better ways of caching and better ways of optimising queries)= 2.8.1 =* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Removed deprecated Yoast filter* COMPATIBILITY: Removed several pre-WordPress-5.0 options= 2.8.0 =* FIX: Fixed documentation link* UPDATE: Updated minimum PHP recommendations* UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* FEATURE: Exposed Site Health in Lighthouse Settings screen* COMPATIBILITY: Removed several pre-WordPress-5.0 options= 2.7.0 =* FIX: Removed duplicate option* UPDATE: Removed MySQL check as it's hard to detect all possible configurations (Maria DB, Percona)* UPDATE: Removed OPCache check as it's not relevant anymore* UPDATE: Updated plugin requirements to PHP 7+* UPDATE: Removed all pre-PHP 7 code* UPDATE: Removed caching headers in favour of .htaccess rules= 2.6.1 =* FIX: Removed obsolete cache purging* FIX: Removed obsolete cache counter* FIX: Consolidated __return_false* FIX: Fixed wrong checked/recommended option count* UPDATE: Updated minimum PHP recommendations* UPDATE: Removed OPCache support due to server errors* UPDATE: Improved pings removal* FEATURE: Added taxonomy (archives) disabling= 2.6.0 =* FIX: Code compliancy fixes* FIX: Strict check fixes* FIX: Removed old, unused option* UPDATE: Updated server software recommendations* UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility* UPDATE: Updated oembed removal* UPDATE: Added 3 more widget removal options* UPDATE: Added author archives removal option* UPDATE: Removed presets as they weren't up to date* UPDATE: Removed unnecessary admin/page check* PERFORMANCE: Refactored settings count/savings/recommendations= 2.5.1 =* UPDATE: Updated PHP 7.2 compatibility* UPDATE: Removed deprecated function= 2.5.0 =* FIX: Fixed undeclared variable* UPDATE: Removed transient cleaner as WordPress 4.9.0 implements it natively= 2.4.1 =* UPDATE: Removed faulty Gravatar caching* UPDATE: Removed script concatenation as it generated conflicts with lots of incorrectly coded themes* UPDATE: Added OPcache status* PERFORMANCE: Added new HTML minification engine= 2.4.0 =* UPDATE: Improved emoji removal* UPDATE: Remove additional frontend styles and scripts as they are against guidelines* PERFORMANCE: More performance tweaks on theme init= 2.3.5 =* FIX: Fixed HSTS help link* FIX: Removed old nofollow fix breaking the Dashboard* UPDATE: Removed Zen notice from pages other than Lighthouse settings page* UPDATE: Updated server software recommendations* UPDATE: Updated WordPress recommendations* UPDATE:

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    " NULLED, meaning license requirements have been removed. "

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    " NULLIFIED, meaning license requirements have been removed. "

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    " NULLIFIED, meaning license requirements have been removed. "

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