Flex Home - Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System
Flex Home - Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System

Flex Home - Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System

  • Uploaded : 25th January 2023
  • Views : 620

Flex Home - Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System

Latest Version 2.42.0 Release Jan 21, 2023 Click HERE to view the ChangelogAdd admin notifications.Improve form builder.Add Google Fonts cache on local disk.Improve multi-language.Improve core & performanceImprove shortcode admin config

Check the upgrade guide HERE. Flex Home – Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System

Note: We just provide free installation service for hosting using Cpanel or Direct Admin. If you’re using VPS, you need to install Cpanel or Direct Admin. We don’t provide installation service on localhost.
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If you need free installation service, please create a ticket on our support center https://botble.ticksy.com and give us access to your hosting (hosting URL, username and password), our dev team will install it for you.

Demo Homepage: https://flex-home.botble.com Admin panel: https://flex-home.botble.com/admin Admin account: botble – 159357 (username & password are autofilled) Vendor login page: https://flex-home.botble.com/login Vendor account: john.smith@botble.com – 12345678

Front Pages Homepage Projects Properties with map Single property Single property with video News/Blog Single blog post Careers Contact Agent page About us Vendor dashboard

Admin Pages Dashboard Manage properties Manage projects Payment gateways Plugins Media Files Theme translations Roles & Permissions Backups Theme optionsTest accounts for payment PayPal: test@botble.com – 12345678 Credit Card for Stripe: 4242 4242 4242 4242 – Anything in the CVV and expiration date Credit Card for SSLCommerz & Razorpay: 4111111111111111, Exp: 12/25, CVV: 111

Key Features Page, blog, menu, contact, real estate.. modules are provided with the use of components to avoid boilerplate code. RSS feeds for posts https://flex-home.botble.com/feed/posts and properties https://flex-home.botble.com/feed/properties Agency panel with credit system to post their properties. Support payment methods: PayPal, Stripe, Razorpay, and Paystack to buy credits. Powerful media system, also support Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces SEO & sitemap support: access sitemap.xml to see more. RESTful API using Laravel Sanctum. Multi language support. Unlimited number of languages. Google Analytics: display analytics data in admin panel. Translation tool: easy to translate front theme and admin panel to your language. Beautiful theme is ready to use. Powerful Permission System: Manage user, team, role by permissions. Easy to manage user by permissions. Admin template comes with color schemes to match your taste. Fully Responsive: Compatible with all screen resolutions. Coding Standard: All code follow coding standards PSR-2 and best practices.Notes:CONSIDERING PURCHASING OUR ITEM? Please view our support section for important notes and questions.This product doesn’t include some tools for developers in CMS version. It’s used to quickly develop new modules. We’ve removed CRUD generator, theme/widget generator in CMS version to reduce the price.Images used in the demo are not included in the download package. They are used for demo purposes only.Free plugins

There are some free plugins available on our Marketplace: https://marketplace.botble.com/products

Those plugins are working fine for products based on Botble CMS.

We won’t support free plugins and free plugins may not compatible with the current version. If you need support for free plugins, please create an issue on GitHub, the plugin’s author will support you.

Don’t forget to give us a star on GitHub repository if you use our free plugins. Requirements Apache, nginx, or another compatible web server. PHP >= 8.0 >> Higher MySQL Database server PDO PHP Extension OpenSSL PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Exif PHP Extension Fileinfo Extension XML PHP Extension Ctype PHP Extension JSON PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension Module Re_write server PHP_CURL Module Enable5 stars reviews

ChangelogVersion 2.42 – Jan 21, 2023- Add admin notifications.- Add Google Fonts cache on local disk.- Improve multi-language.- Improve core & performance.- Improve shortcode admin config.Version 2.41 – Jan 02, 2023- Improve multi-language.- Improve form builder.- Improve date picker, switch to use https://flatpickr.js.org for better UI.- Improve media system: add crop image feature and improve download feature.- Add backup clean command.- Make editor extendable.- Make CKEditor support RTL.- Fix SEO title (issue with & character).Version 2.40 – Dec 21, 2022- Improve email template. Add Twig function.- Improve multi-language.- Add canonical tag for page, post, category, tag & gallery.- Able to update free plugins directly in Admin -> Plugins.- Fix Wasabi & BunnyCDN media driver.- Fix issue when enable page speed options in settings.- Fix sitemap JS libraries.Version 2.39 – Dec 08, 2022- Upgrade to Laravel framework 9.x- Drop PHP 7.x support.- Add option to install plugins from marketplace.botble.com in Admin -> Plugins.- Add option to clean up site data.- Change default Google Fonts CDN URL to fonts.bunny.net.- Improve performance.- Improve sitemap queries.- Improve core & UI.Version 2.38 – Nov 07, 2022- Add installer package.- Add get started package, show on the first installation.- Add an option to allow limit max upload filesize.- Add option to disable cache in the admin panel.- Fix cache errors when upgrading to a new version.- Remove duplicate meta viewport.- Improve homepage search box.- Improve email template.- Improve multi-language.- Improve shortcode & SEO helper.- Refactor code & improve performance.Version 2.37 – Sep 28, 2022- Add blog schema settings.- Fix pagespeed optimization and language route prefix.- Fix file upload visibility.- Fix bug contact form when activating page speed optimization.- Improve shortcode.- Improve queries performance.- Refactor code- Improve UI.Version 2.36 – Aug 22, 2022- Fix missing toolbar "direction" on editor.- Fix JS validation error.- Hotfix translation.- Improve email template settings.- Improve API, switch to use Sanctum.- Improve email template settings.- Improve PayPal, Stripe & SSLCommerz payment gateway.- Add preview for document type in Media.- Add option to change "city" slug on URL.- Add shortcode [featured-properties].- Add Stripe Checkout option. Enable it in Admin -> Payments -> Payment methods.- Add option to download available translation files from GitHub.- Move folder /resources/lang to /lang.- Fix issue on PHP 8.1- Fix cache issue.- Improve UI.- Improve coreVersion 2.35 – Jul 13, 2022- Fix property features & facilities.- Fix related posts.- Fix media URL.- Fix YouTube video thumbnail.- Fix theme translations.- Fix agent property form.- Fix get properties.- Add latitude & longitude validation in agency dashboard.- Update Facebook integration (allow comment in property/project detail page).- Improve plugin Backup.- Update homepage.- Allow to add a space between price and currency.- Add permission to manage license.- Improve menu.- Improve cache system (fix cache won't be cleared after translating data).- Improve performance.- Update libraries / third-party package to the latest version.Version 2.34 – Mar 22, 2022- Add custom HTML shortcode.- Add text direction toolbar to editor.- Add option to add custom HTML to header, body or footer of page.- Add option to regenerate media thumbnails from admin panel.- Add memory limit & max execution time info to system information page.- Add option to add watermark for images in specific folders.- Allow to redirect all 404 requests to homepage.- Add DB index to some tables.- Handle error when activating license.- Fix image rotate issue when cropping thumbnails.- Fix media download on PHP 8.- Fix Admin RTL mode.- Improve contact form: add math captcha, blacklist words & domains to prevent spam mails.- Improve multi-language.- Improve dashboard widgets style & pagination.- Improve license system.- Improve admin bar.- Refactor code.- Update libraries.- Optimize queries.Version 2.33 – Mar 22, 2022- Fix translate properties on agent dashboard.- Fix migration.- Fix city form.- Fix language advanced plugin.- Fix plugin activation.- Fix menu contains &- Improve editor.- Refactor code & improve queries.- Update Laravel framework to 8.83.5.Version 2.32 – Feb 19, 2022- Fix issue with Cloudflare SSL.- Fix tree category & social links.- Fix duplicate shortcode in CKEditor.- Fix saving SEO meta tags.- Improve license.- Improve permalink.- Improve dashboard widgets.- Improve core.- Prevent Method Not Allowed error when use ajax DELETE/PUT.- Add schema for post & page.- Update AWS S3 settings.Version 2.31 – Dec 17, 2021- Fixed search by location.- Fixed saving meta box data.- Fixed property form: can't scroll in the categories box.- Fixed missing jQuery library in agent dashboard.- Fixed duplicated properties.- Fixed display categories in project/property detail.- Fixed upload account's avatar.- Fixed currency settings.- Fixed city dropdown field in property/project form.- Fixed social login settings.- Fixed language switcher.- Added import cities & states from CSV.- Added phone number in the registration form.- Added icon image for feature & facility.- Improve search by location.- Improve editor & media.- Improve multi-language.- Improve editor & media.- Improve RTL style.- Update dashboard widgets for real estate.- Refactor code.Version 2.30 – Nov 18, 2021- Added option to disable credits system, agents can post their properties for free.- Added missing Wishlist on mobile screen.- Fix saving property categories & related properties.- Fix bullets list style in the editor.- Fix admin bar setting.- Fix Stripe payment gateway in non-decimal currencies.- Fix UI agent dashboard.- Fix UI issue with select2 fields.- Fix properties on map.- Fix properties/projects by city.- Fix filter properties by city.- Fix icon field for features & facilities.- Fix some small issues when upgrading to Bootstrap 5.- Improve multi-language.- Improve shortcode.- Improve plugin Analytics, view analytics data by date range.- Improve Razorpay.- Improve payment.- Improve core & UI.- Improve RTL mode.- Update to the latest Laravel version 8.72.0.- Optimize queries performance.Version 2.29 – Oct 14, 2021- Upgrade admin theme to Bootstrap 5.- Add system updater. 1-click update to the latest version.- Add BunnyCDN cloud storage.- Allow disable post approval.- Add multilevel categories for projects & properties.- Fix bug admin email, login backgrounds.- Fix filter projects/properties on map.- Fix property gallery images.- Fix Youtube URL.- Update to the latest Laravel version 8.64.0- Improve RTL mode.- Improve UI & Editors.- Improve cookie consent (Added minimal style).- Improve core.- Optimize queries performance.Version 2.28 – Sep 14, 2021- Fix theme migration & issue when activating plugin Language.- Fix admin email.- Fix cache issue in media.- Fix create account from the admin panel.- Fix error when uploading account's avatar.- Improve theme custom CSS/JS.- Improve plugin Blog & Newsletter.- Improve allowed iframe types.- Handle TokenMismatchException.- Prevent error when missing watermark image.- Update to the latest Laravel version 8.60.0- Improve core.- Optimize queries performance.Version 2.27 – Aug 23, 2021- Fix homepage search box when "Projects" tab is disabled.- Fix currency settings.- Fix Contact plugin with the new editor.- Fix language flags.- Add package information into the transaction detail.- Add more social links in Theme options.- Auto add credit when changing payment status to COMPLETED.- Improve shortcode. Make it easier to modify added shortcodes.- Improve editor & clean XSS.- Update property video.- Update email templates.- Update to the latest Laravel version 8.55.0- Improve core.- Optimize queries performance.Version 2.26 – Jul 27, 2021- Add menu level 2, 3...- Update CKEditor and TinyMCE to the latest version (version 5).- Update media: Add a button to download media files from URL.- Able

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