Doxe - SaaS Doctors Chamber, Prescription & Appointment Software
Doxe - SaaS Doctors Chamber, Prescription & Appointment Software

Doxe - SaaS Doctors Chamber, Prescription & Appointment Software

  • Uploaded : 31st January 2023
  • Views : 796

Doxe - SaaS Doctors Chamber, Prescription & Appointment Software

How zoom live consultation works Obtain api keys from your zoom account and save them in super admin > settins > zoom settingsDoctors create a zoom meeting for live consultationsGet the meeting’s id, password and save it in live consultation section settingsPatients will book an appointment for specific doctors and need to pay for online consultation using paypal/stripeDoctors will start their meeting in zoom app just before the scheduled timeWhile patients tries joining in the live consultation, Doctors need to approve their requestsAfter approval, doctors will see the patient in live streaming video consultationDuring the live video consultation, they can communicate with chat option in zoomThey can leave the meeting anytime after the finishing of the live consultation

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Key Features: Easy Integration & Customization Standard secured & clean code Fully Responsive Design SEO Optimized & SEO-Friendly URL Fronted website Manage website with unlimited features & pages Manage pricing packages & features Pricing plan enable/disable with limit options Manage Contact Messages Manage Users Manage FAQs Manage Blogs with category Cash flow chart reports Net Incomes reCaptcha enable / disable option Email verification enable / disable option Paypal payment enable / disable option Stripe payment enable / disable option Registration enable / disable option Blogs enable / disable option Users enable / disable option Google Analytics SMTP email with PHPMailer library Google reCaptcha attached with (Register & Contacts forms with enable or disable option) Advanced settings option Admin, User, Staff & Patient panel Multiuser & Multi staff options Membership System with 3 packages Paypal payment system Stripe payment system Create & manage chambers Create & manage staffs Create & manage patients Create & manage diagnosis Create & manage advises Create & manage additional advises Create & manage diagnosis tests Create & manage drugs Create & manage prescriptions Create & manage appointments Set schedule for appointments Manage profile with education & experiences Print prescriptions Auto generate serial numbers for appointments Date wise appointment serials Ajax secure Authentication Jquery Data tables & form validations Sweetalert & toast notification with ajax Detailed Documentation with commented code Totally Secure System Advanced Settings Options with Enable or Disable options Change Logo, Favicon, Home hero image, Site Title, Site Description, etc. from Admin Panel Easy Installation Using Installation Wizard & no need any coding skills Runs on PHP 7.0+

Security: There are various mechanisms to secure application. These mechanisms are: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention Output Escaping Password Hashing

Update Instructions

Update version 1.8 – 12 November 2022 - Added user plan update option on admin panel > users- Added notes on prescription- Added ml for liquid drug measurement - Added country in users profile & front end experts page- Fixed some small issues- Improve functionalities

Update version 1.7 – 18 June 2022 -Added Mercadopago payment gateway (Payment gateways are only available for extended license holders)-Added Reminder mail before expire plans-Added Google meet for doctors video consultation-Added default video meeting set option for doctor-Added doctor signature on prescriptions-Added workflow manage option on admin panel-Added booking confirmation notification for patients & doctors-Fixed patient prescription history issue-Fixed paystack user email issue-Improved dashboard-Improved & redesign doctor consultation settings page

Update version 1.6 – 15 January 2022 -Added Paystack payment gateway-Added QR code for doctors profile page-Added city for doctors search-Added online/offline consultation type in doctor panel-Fixed appointment serial id issue-Fixed patient email link password issue-Fix some minor issues-Improve design & functionalities

Update version 1.5 – 3 September 2021 -Added Razorpay Payment-Added patient prescriptions history-Fix some minor issues-Fix payment enable/disable issue

Update version 1.4 – 5 April 2021 -Update Zoom SDK version-Fix appointment booking date issue-Fix admin panel responsive issues

Update version 1.3 – 18 March 2021 -Added day wise multiple time slots for appointment booking-Added new layout in admin panel-Added users transactions lists in admin panel-Added users payment invoice option-Added payments lists and invoice in doctors panel-Added features & days value for translation-Added Added new booking calender in doctors profile-Fix email duplication for staff & patients-Fix zoom mobile issue-Fix view prescription from consultation-Fix zoom meeting join button issue from patient panel-Improve design in doctors profile page

Update version 1.2 – 25 January 2021 -Added free trial days option-Added Multilingual System-Added RTL option-Added rating & review system-Added offline payment for patient-Added patient historical data upload option-Fix patient add issue-Fix some design issues-Improve booking option

Update version 1.1 – 8 November 2020 -Added Zoom meeting-Added online consultation-Added paypal & stripe payment method for doctors to receive consultation fees-Added new booking system for patients in doctors profile page-Added prescription diagnosis reports in patients panel-Added prescription diagnosis feedback option for doctors panel-Fix registration bugs-Fix some css issues-Improve functionalities

Initial release version 1.0 – 8 October 2020 Requirements: There are some requirements to work on your server. These requirements are: PHP >= 7+ cUrl

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