dizzy - Support Creators Content Script
dizzy - Support Creators Content Script

dizzy - Support Creators Content Script

  • Uploaded : 25th January 2023
  • Views : 480

dizzy - Support Creators Content Script

dizzy – Support Creators Content Script is a platform where content creators, youtubers, instagramers, designers, developers, photographers or any other branch can monetize their content by receiving subscriptions from their most loyal followers or just anyone who likes their work.

Anyone can create a contents but just Creators can earn money with Premium Content Share and Subscriber Content Share features.

Dizzy is not a clone script with a flexible interface. In terms of features, it may be similar to OnlyFans or Patreon sites, but if you need a unique project, dizzy offers you exactly those.
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Demo User:testuserUser Pass: 123456URL https://www.imyourfun.com/Some features have been disabled for this test account.

FeaturesLive Streaming (AGORA API)Video Chat (AGORA API) Subscription system Users can set the weekly, monthly and yearly subscription price Implemented GDPR Banner Cookies Policy Notifications Real-time User can get Notifications comment, follow, subscribe, post buy, like, comment like, approve content by administrator. Account verification by uploading ID or Passport Edit your profile Verified users will display a badge Create unlimited posts for Free, Subscribers and Premium Point(credit) system. Creators can share posts, charging fees. People can see the post in return for the points the creator has set for the post. Members who want to pay to view the content can add points to the wallet. Users can manage posts Creators can manage their Dashboard(Normal users don’t have Dashboar) SEO on Pages Upload Avatar Upload Cover Setting your Payout method (PayPal or Bank Transfer) Make withdrawals when you reach the minimum amount established by admin Search creators by Name/Username Integration with Stripe with (Recurrent) Integration PayPal Payment Integration BitPay Payment Integration RazorPay Payment Integration iyziCo Payment Integration Authorize.Net Payment Integration PayStack Payment Top 5 creators of last week! Explore Creators Social Login with Twitter and Google Email Verification Upload Photos and Images The system blur the photos and videos in premium and subscriber posts. This way, the member cannot see the real image of that post until they buy the post or subscribe to the profile. User can report post User can block post Enable/Disable Message Current point from dropdown menu Total earnings from Creator Dashboard Secure password hashing SMTP Support Easy translation Multilanguage Progress bar on Upload Message system users can send photos, videos, stickers and gifs Infinite scroll on Message system Infinite scroll on User Wall and Profile Wall History of payments made and received Email notifications Contact us page Change Password Saved Posts Stickers System in Comment and Message Gifs system in Comment and Message Emoticon system in Commend and Message Sponsored Advertisements Subscribers Subscriptions Payments Light / Dark ModeAdmin FeaturesSettings Website Settings Site Logo Favicon Site Name Site Title Site Description Keywords General Main Language(Choose Language) Maintenance Mode(Enable/Disable) Email verification(Enable/Disable) Register (Enable/Disable) IP Limit(One ip can register 2 times if enabled) Limits Upload File Size limit Post Length Number of post show Show number of pagination Allowed file extensions ( mp4, MP4, mp3, MP3 , mpg, mov, m4v, avi, flv, mpeg, MPEG, webm, mkv, MKV, gif, GIF, jpg, jpeg, JPEG, JPG, PNG, png ) File extensions valid for approval(gif,GIF,jpg,jpeg,JPEG,JPG,PNG,png)Billing InformationsEmail SettingsStorage(Amazon S3)Manage Posts Awaiting approval(Admin should approve Premium posts) Posts Premium Posts Subscribe PosstsDesign Custom CSS/JS Manage SVG IconsPoint Packages SettingsManage LanguagesUsers Manage Users Creator Verification RequestsPages (Create/Edit/Delete) pagesStickers (Create/Edit/Delete) stickersPayment Methods Payment Settings PayPal Bitpay Stripe Authorize.Net IyziCo RazorPay PayStackSocial Logins (Edit Twitter and Google Login)Manage Payments Manage Withdrawals Manage Subscription PaymentAdvertisement Create a Advertisement Manage AdvertisementsRequirementsPHP 7.1.0 or Greatermod_rewrite ApacheMySQL 5.6OpenSSL PHP ExtensionPDO PHP ExtensionMbstring PHP ExtensionJSON PHP ExtensioncURLallow_url_fopen (php.ini) is ONFileinfo PHP ExtensionFFMPEGUpdates

If you have problems while updating, please click HERE to create a support ticket. Technical questions are not answered in the comment area. 27 December [FIXED] - Solved the problem of camera request from the visitor in live broadcast.[FIXED] - Auto scroll issue in live chat stream[FIXED] - Redirect page issue for person not logged in to live stream[FIXED] - Sending Gif prom Profile page[FIXED] - The counter for images, videos and audio files.[FIXED] - Showing non-creators in the top 5 creator section.[FIXED] - Warning in User search[FIXED] - Product tab that remains open in the profile when Merketplace is closed[FIXED] - My Stories page that opens when status sharing by non-creators is disabled.[FIXED] - My subscriptions page updated[FIXED] - s3 video playback[FIXED] - administrator right click off command set to on[FIXED] - Warning when regulating subscription fees[FIXED] - Last content payments word mistake resolved.[FIXED] - Warning that appears when other comments are pressed.[FIXED] - Warning issue with reposted post.[FIXED] - Display of avatar according to the gender selected during registration.[FIXED] - Reported PHP bugs[FIXED] - Reported CSS bugs[ADDED] - Canceled subscriptions can now be viewed[ADDED] - Videos, images or other files are automatically deleted from the server after they are uploaded to storage.[ADDED] - Unpublished videos, images or other files are no longer counted.[ADDED] - Wasabi storage space added.[ADDED] - Wasabi on/off feature has been added to the administration panel.[ADDED] - Added the field for adding Wasabi keys.[ADDED] - MercadoPago payment system added.[ADDED] - MercadoPago payment system settings have been added to the administration panel.[ADDED] - Added sub-category feature for profile categories.[ADDED] - Added the ability to add new categories from the administration panel.[ADDED] - New category add/delete/edit feature has been added.[ADDED] - New subcategory add/delete/edit feature has been added.[ADDED] - Added the ability to make categories active and inactive.[ADDED] - Added option to turn off and on FFmpeg drawtext feature that reduces video loading speed.[ADDED] - The visitor will view the site in their own language if a language pack is included.1 December [FIXED] - Reported Bugs[ADDED] - Translated some languages[ADDED] - FFMPEG warning if ffmpeg not exist.28 November[FIXED] - Google Login issue[FIXED] - Twitter Login issue[ADDED] - New Profile categories (Please read the README.html file carefully.)[ADDED] - New Words in language files. (Please read the README.html file carefully.)26 November[FIXED] - Amazon s3 Video play issue[FIXED] - Amazon s3 Audio[IMPROVED] - improvements in css and php[FIXED] - resolved the issue with the money sending section that cannot be disabled[IMPROVED] - The system has been sped up.[ADDED] - Only creators can see the type and hidden message buttons on the chat page.25 November[FIXED] - The night mode css issue on the chat page. [FIXED] - The issue reported in my payment page. 25 November[FIXED] - REPORTED BUGS24 November[FIXED] - Reported CSS bugs[FIXED] - Sending paid messages bug[IMPROVED]The system has been sped up.[ADDED] ToolTip has been added to some of the chat buttons.[ADDED] The website's social network links have been added to the top left drop-down menu.[ADDED] ScrollBar is now displayed on desktop computers.[ADDED] ScrollBar is hidden for Mobile devices.[ADDED] Images can now be attached to paid messages.22 November [FIXED] - Cover and Avatar image position issue[FIXED] - Incorrect counter, in premium purchase popup.[FIXED] - Reported subscription bugs[FIXED] - Reported S3 issue[FIXED] - Stripe issue[FIXED] - Reported Stripe Issue[FIXED] - Reported S3 issue[FIXED] - Reported bugs for the Market page.[FIXED] - Create withdrawal issue[FIXED] - Checking withdrawal issue in admin panel[IMPROVED] The system has been sped up.[ADDED] Send a paid private message.[ADDED] Send money to the person using the message field.[ADDED] Ads are now displayed on mobile.[ADDED] Purchased premium posts.[ADDED] Subscription expiration date.[ADDED] Automatic approval of premium posts.[ADDED] Send a notification to the contact when automatic premium posts are approved.[ADDED] Notifications are sent when someone purchases a premium post.[ADDED] Who can send message ? Subscribers/Everyone[ADDED] Who can send a video call request ? Subscribers/Everone[ADDED] Commenter's creator badge.[ADDED] The administrator determines who is shown in the search results (Everyone/content creators only)[ADDED] Number of message show in admin panel[ADDED] Social profiles for website[ADDED] Social profiles for website[ADDED] New SVG icons.[ADDED] Some New CSS codes. (Please check the NEW CSS section below to see the added codes. )[ADDED] Some new words. (Please check the NEW WORDS section below to see the added codes. )11 Aug[FIXED] - Reported php bugs[FIXED] - Reported css bugs[FIXED] - Reported javasript bugs[IMPROVED] The system has been sped up.10 Aug [FIXED] - Ponint earn issue[FIXED] - Languge issue[IMPROVED] - The system has been sped up.[ADDED] - Maximum daily point earning admin panel9 Aug[FIXED] - Reported bugs[FIXED] - Suggested Product size issue[FIXED] - Suggested Creators size issue[FIXED] - Product Sold number issue[FIXED] - Product Purchase number issue[FIXED] - Digital Ocean issue[FIXED] - CronJob repeating issue[FIXED] - Javascript reported javascript[FIXED] - PWA issue[FIXED] - Cancel Subscription issue[FIXED] - Mobile resize product page issue[FIXED] - Night Mode issues[IMPROVED] The system has been sped up.[IMPROVED] JAVASCRIPT Codes[IMPROVED] PHP functions[ADDED] Chat Video Call feature[ADDED] Free Video Call Feature[ADDED] Paid Video Call Feature[ADDED] Creator can set video call price.[ADDED] PopUp Chat Video Caller notification[ADDED] PopUp Chat video Calling notification[ADDED] Chat Video Call SQL tables[ADDED] Chat Video Call functions[ADDED] MUTE / UNMUTE chat video feature[ADDED] Close / Open camera in chat video feature[ADDED] Paid Video Call Feature16 May [FIXED] - Reported Free Live Streaming Black screen[FIXED] - Reported Bugs[ADDED] Latest Products from main page[ADDED] Re-Designed Right sidebar boxes[ADDED] Turkish Language tr.php in langs folder11 May [URGENT UPDATE][FIXED] - Reported Bugs[ADDED] - New Call icon for live streaming10 May [URGENT UPDATE][FIXED] - Reported Bugs09 May[FIXED] - Fixed Storie Black Screen Issue[FIXED] - Fixed Reported S3 Issue[FIXED] - Fixed Reported DigitalOcean Issue[FIXED] - Fixed Reported Chat Video Play Issue[FIXED] - Fixed Reported CSS issues[FIXED] - Fixed Reported Mobile Screen issues[FIXED] - Fixed Reported Offline Search issue[FIXED] - Fixed Reported Tip calculate issue[FIXED] - Fixed Reported Subscription calculate issue[FIXED] - Fixed Reported CoinPayment accept payment issue[ADDED] - Post Categories (All posts, Videos, Audios, Photos and Products)[ADDED] - 12 Social Website Profile Link[ADDED] - Send Tip Button on Users Profile26 April [URGENT UPDATE][FIXED] - SQL file issue25 April [ADDED] - Story System[ADDED] - Image Story System[ADDED] - Text Story System[ADDED] - 22 Text Story Background image [ADDED] - Add / Delete New Text Story background image[ADDED] - Enable / Disable Text Story Background[ADDED] - Audio(mp3) post feature[ADDED] - Edit/Delete Story[ADDED] - How many user see my story[ADDED] -

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