DECOZIN - Wall Decor/Art Tester - Javascript app
DECOZIN - Wall Decor/Art Tester - Javascript app

DECOZIN - Wall Decor/Art Tester - Javascript app

  • Uploaded : 24th April 2024
  • Views : 139

DECOZIN - Wall Decor/Art Tester - Javascript app

1. Introduction

Decozin is a web application that allows users to test decorative paintings with different types of walls. Users can test decorative paintings on existing or uploaded backgrounds, and customize the size and position of the paintings. This app can be used by decorators, interior designers, or individuals who want to preview how their decorations will look in a room before purchasing or installation.

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2. Features:

  • Choose from existing backgrounds or upload your own.
  • Pick decorative paintings to test, modify their size and position relative to the chosen background
  • Download the final output as an image or contact the seller of the product to place an order or request more information
  • Manage backgrounds, paintings and their categories, orders, theming, settings(currency, unit of measurements, ..), business manages, viewing stats of most asked products, … using admin back-office.


3. User Guide

  • Upon accessing the application, the user will be prompted to choose a background or upload their own. 
  • After choosing a background, they will be directed to the product selection page where they can choose decorative paintings from a list of options. The user can modify the size and position of the chosen decorative painting relative to the chosen background. 
  • Finally, the user can either download the final output as an image or contact the seller of the product for more information or to place an order.
  • Easy 3 steps:
  • Choose the perfect background or wall (You can choose from your device gallery) to set the scene for your custom artwork.


  • Find your inspiration: Explore our extensive collection of artworks and decor to find the pieces that resonate with you.


  • Make it yours: Connect with the buyer to place your order and turn your vision into reality.



    4. Development frameworks:

    • Angular (Typescript)
    • NestJS (Typescript)

    5. Customization-Branding

    The style of the application can be fully customized by modifying the application’s SCSS files. Additionally, the user can modify the application’s logo, colors, and disable steps as needed from the admin web-office.

    6. Administration 

    The application can be administered through the following tasks:

    The administration section of Decozin is only accessible to the business owner, who acts as the admin of the website. The admin has the ability to create user accounts for managers, who can help add, update, or delete backgrounds and products (paintings), manage orders, and perform other tasks related to the day-to-day operations of the business.

    In addition to these basic functions, the admin has access to a number of advanced features and settings, including the ability to update business information, modify the appearance and theming of the website (such as changing colors and logos), and manage other aspects of the user experience.

    Some of the specific tasks that can be performed by the admin in the administration section include:

    • Managing user accounts: The admin can create, modify, or delete user accounts for managers who need to access the backend of the website.
    • Adding and managing products: The admin can add new products (paintings) to the website, modify existing products, or remove products that are no longer available. They can also manage the images associated with each product, as well as the pricing and other relevant information.
    • Adding and managing backgrounds: The admin can add new backgrounds to the website, modify existing backgrounds, or remove backgrounds that are no longer available. They can also manage the images associated with each background, as well as the sizing information.
    • Managing orders: The admin can view all orders placed on the website, update order status, and perform other tasks related to managing the order pipeline.
    • Updating website appearance: The admin can change the overall look and feel of the website by modifying the color scheme, logo, and other design elements.
    • Checking customers feedback: The admin can review customer ratings and comments to gain insights into how users are interacting with the website and identify areas for improvement.

    Overall, the administration section of Decozin is designed to provide the business owner with the tools and capabilities needed to manage the website effectively and ensure a high-quality user experience for customers.




    7. Integration with Other Platforms

    • Decozin is a standalone web application that can be hosted on its own server. However, it can also be integrated into other websites and platforms using an iframe. This allows businesses to easily add the ability for customers to preview their products and decorative paintings directly on their own website.
    • To integrate Decozin into your website, simply embed the application in an iframe using the following HTML code:

    Please note that embedding Decozin into another website may require some additional configuration and customization to ensure a seamless user experience.


    • Or more preferably:
  • You can set up a button on your website that links directly to Decozin, allowing customers to easily try out your customization tool. This way, customers can experiment with different background options and artworks before making a purchase, increasing their confidence in their final choice.
  • You can create a unique link(From Decozin admin back office) for each product that takes the customer directly to the corresponding artwork or decor in Decozin, where they can then try it out before making a purchase. This way, customers can get a better sense of what the final product will look like and make a more informed decision. You can place these links on your website next to each product, or include them in product descriptions or social media posts.
  • 8. Why decozin? Your can take your business to new heights. With the ability to test and customize their artwork and decor, they can offer a unique experience to their customers, leading to increased sales and brand loyalty. Decozin also helps to reduce the return rate by giving customers a chance to preview their purchases before making a decision. This feature can save time and money for both customers and businesses alike.

    Additionally, Decozin allows businesses to easily showcase their products in different environments and styles, leading to better visual representation and more attractive listings. This can lead to increased exposure and ultimately more sales.

    9. About source code

    • The style is fully customizable, you can change the name, the logo, colors, disable some steps, …
    • Responsive layout (Desktops, tablets, mobile devices).
    • Clean & modern design
    • User-friendly interface.
    • Easy installation, well documented.
    • Available on English and french.



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