Aikeedo - AI Content Generator Platform - SaaS Ready - OpenAI
Aikeedo - AI Content Generator Platform - SaaS Ready - OpenAI

Aikeedo - AI Content Generator Platform - SaaS Ready - OpenAI

  • Uploaded : 15th April 2024
  • Views : 229

Aikeedo - AI Content Generator Platform - SaaS Ready - OpenAI

Aikeedo v2.0    Release Notes

Introducing Aikeedo, the cutting-edge SaaS Ready PHP script that revolutionizes content creation with its AI-powered capabilities. Aikeedo is not just a platform; it’s a creative powerhouse, harnessing the latest in AI technology, including GPT3.5, GPT4, ElevenLabs, Dall-E, Stable Diffusion, Clipdrop and Whisper, to deliver a range of innovative features. With its AI Text Generator, users can effortlessly create rich, engaging content, while the AI Image Generator brings visual ideas to life. The platform’s AI Text to Speech (TTS) and Speech to Text functionalities offer real-life-like speech in over 40 voices, ensuring a wide range of applications from voiceovers to transcription. Aikeedo’s AI Code Assistance feature is a game-changer for developers, offering coding support in various programming languages. The platform boasts over 100+ prompt templates, making it user-friendly for beginners and professionals alike. Integrated payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal add to its convenience, with more options on the horizon. Aikeedo stands out with its best-in-class design, guaranteed high code quality, and use of modern technology, making it an ideal solution for businesses and individuals seeking to leverage AI for content creation and beyond. Start your journey with Aikeedo today and experience the future of AI-powered content generation!

The most widely used AI models

Unlock the full potential of instant, high-quality content creation with Aikeedo. Our platform harnesses a diverse array of renowned AI models, providing you with the tools to ignite your creativity effortlessly. Dive into the world of Aikeedo, where innovation meets convenience, allowing you to create masterpieces without the strain.
Top active searches related to

  • OpenAI
  • GPT 4
  • GPT 3.5
  • Dall-E
  • ElevenLabs
  • Stable Diffusion (coming soon…)
  • Google TTS (coming soon…)
AI generators

Discover the diverse range of AI generators available on our platform, each uniquely designed to cater to various creative and professional needs. From crafting engaging text and stunning images to generating realistic voiceovers and efficient code, our AI tools are equipped to transform your ideas into reality with precision and ease. Embrace the power of AI and explore new horizons in digital creativity and innovation.

  • Writer – AI content generator
  • Coder – AI coding assistance
  • Imagine – AI image generator
  • Transcriber – AI speech to text converter (STT)
  • Voiceover – AI text to speech converter (TTS)
  • AI chat bot (coming soon…)

Writer (text generator)

Write SEO optimized blogs, sales emails and more…

Achieve superior outcomes in a fraction of the time. At last, a writing tool that you’ll genuinely utilize.

Coder (code generator)

Ready to write code at the speed of light?

Effortless coding with AI Code Generator: Instant solutions for your programming needs.

Imagine (image creator)

Visualize what you dream of. Create images from text.

Instantly create stunning images using AI image generator – your tool for artistic innovation.

Transcription (speech to text converter)

Transforming spoken words into text

Instantly transcribe spoken words into text for enhanced productivity and accessibility.

Voiceover (text to voice)

Convert your texts into lifelike speech

Elevate your content with expressive narration: discover text-to-voice excellence. Powered by ElevenLabs – the most advanced text-to-speech engine.

AI chat bot (coming soon…)

That’s remarkably human-like and engaging…

Simply choose your asistant and engage with a friendly chatbot to generate ideas, enhance your content, or even bring a smile to your face. Coolest features of Aikeedo

We offer a complete set of features and tools for the creation and management of your platform.

High quality code

Developed by using domain-driven design and onion architecture principles.

Modern technologies

Built with modern technologies for best structure and get maximum performance.

Friendly UI and UX

Enjoy a hassle-free and intuitive user interface that enhances your digital experience.

Dark mode

Turn off the light and switch to dark mode your interface with one click.


An all-inclusive learning package seamlessly integrated into our community.

Payment gateways

Simplify transactions and boost security with payment gateway solutions.

AI generator

Unlock limitless creativity with our AI-powered content generator.

SEO friendly

Boost your visibility and reach your audience effectively with aikeedo’s generated content.

Advanced dashboard

Empower your insights and control with our cutting-edge dashboard.

Custom templates

Transform your content creation with AI-driven custom templates

Login via third party services (SSO)

Use Facebook, Google, LinkedIn or Github accounts as an alternatively access to platform.

Built in templates

Write with remarkable speed, captivate your audience, and bid farewell to writer’s block forever.

Payment gateways

Using payment gateways and secure all credit card payments and other digital payment methods. We have Paypal and Stripe integrations.

Pricing plans

aikeedo supports token packs, subscription, lifetime and trial options. Customize your pricing plans as your customer needs and flexibility.

Easy export

aikeedo allows to export generated results as Text, Word, HTML or Markdown formats.

Manage users from admin

Add new users from admin. Type user informations, select role and add user easily.

Manage landing page from admin

Manage landing page from settings. Enable or disable it as you would like.

Manage sign up form from admin

Manage sign up form and user accounts at all from settings. Enable/disable option available.

Mobile View (Coming soon..)

AIkeedo provides best user experience for all devices with responsive design.

More features?

Coming soon… Templates

Opt to design your unique template to speed up your initial progress or use pre-made templates.


  • Facebook Ad
  • Facebook Headlines
  • Facebook Video Script
  • Google Ads
  • LinkedIn Text Ads
  • LinkedIn Single Image Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • LinkedIn Ad Description
  • LinkedIn Ad Headlines
  • App and SMS Notifications

Writing Tools

  • Article Generator
  • Article Ideas
  • Article Outlines
  • Article Intros
  • Blog Outline
  • Blog Titles
  • Blog Post
  • Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph
  • One-Shot Blog Post
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Conclusion Writer
  • Content Improver
  • Text Extender
  • Content Shorter
  • Text Summarizer
  • Stories
  • Personal Bios
  • Translate
  • Bullet Point Answers
  • Passive to Active Voice
  • Definition
  • Answers
  • Pros and Cons
  • Questions
  • Rewrite With Keywords
  • Explain it to Child
  • Listicle
  • Tone Changer
  • Song Lyrics
  • Review Responder
  • Product Names
  • Analogy Maker
  • Keyword Extractor
  • Product Brochure
  • Product Descriptions
  • Rewrite Content
  • SEO Content Brief
  • SEO Keyword Ideas
  • Short Summary
  • Step-by-Step Guide

Business and Strategy

  • Reframing Business Perspectives
  • Behavioral Economics Principles
  • Blue Ocean Strategy
  • Brand Ecosystem Development
  • Consumer Behavior Analysis
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Customer Persona Building
  • Disruptive Innovation
  • Double Loop Learning
  • Eisenhower Matrix
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Freemium Business Model
  • Heuristics and Decision Trees
  • Hyper-Personalization Strategy
  • Innovation Ambition Matrix
  • Jobs to Be Done Framework
  • Kano Model Analysis
  • Lean Startup Principles
  • Long Tail Strategy
  • Network Effects
  • Pre-Mortem Analysis
  • Prospect Theory
  • Pygmalion Effect
  • Resource-Based View
  • Risk-Reward Analysis
  • Scenario Planning
  • Six Thinking Hats
  • Temporal Discounting
  • The Five Whys Technique
  • OODA Loop Analysis
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Viral Loop Strategy
  • Customer Case Study
  • Event Invite
  • Internal Memos
  • Pitch a Journalist
  • Press Release
  • Product Brochure
  • Linkedin Connection Invite Message
  • Company Bios
  • Company Mission
  • Company Vision
  • Job Description Generator


  • 3 Step Outreach Sequence
  • Analyze Industry Trends
  • Brainstorm Pain Points
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Linkedin Boolean Search
  • Personalized Cold Email From LinkedIn Profile
  • Research Prospect From Linkedin
  • Amazon Product Features
  • Amazon Product Titles
  • Amazon Product Descriptions


  • Attention-Interest-Desire-Action
  • Email Subject Generator
  • Features-Advantages-Benefits
  • Newsletter From Recent News
  • Newsletter Inspiration
  • Pain-Agitate-Solution
  • Backlink Outreach Email
  • Emails
  • Cold Emails

Social Media

  • Caption Generator
  • Generate Content Calendar
  • Headlines
  • Instagram Captions
  • LinkedIn Post
  • TikTok Script
  • Give a Controversial Opinion on [topic], Then Turn It into a Twitter
  • Thread
  • YouTube Video Description
  • Google My Business – Event Post
  • Google My Business – Offer Post
  • Google My Business – Product Description
  • Tweet Machine
  • Pinterest Pin Title and Description


  • Customer Case Study
  • FAQ Generator
  • Headline Generator
  • Landing Page Copy
  • Unique Value Propositions
  • Blog Posts – Title and Meta Descriptions
  • Homepage – Title And Meta Descriptions
  • Product Page – Title and Meta Descriptions
  • Service Pages – Title and Meta Descriptions
  • Website Sub-Headline
  • Landing Page Headlines
  • Call To Action
How it works?

Choose a template Choose a our built in templates or create your own.

Describe Enter a few sentences to describe your topic. Add keywords to specify for your brand.

Generate Get a variety of high-converting copy every time you hit “Generate.”

Maximize your business’s potential by using the power of AI to generate revenue for you. Changelog

Version 2.0.1 / 12 Apr, 2024 CHANGE LOG:- BUGFIX: Minor bug fixesUPDATE INSTRUCTION:Update following files:- /src/Billing/Infrastructure/Payments/Gateways/Stripe/Client.php

Version 2.0.0 / 10 Apr, 2024

Release notes available at following link:Release Notes:

Version 1.4.3 / 19 Jan, 2024 CHANGE LOG:- BUGFIX: Unable to download generated voicesUPDATE INSTRUCTION:Update following files and clear the cache:- /public/assets/app.js- /public/assets/ /resources/views/templates/app/voiceover.twig- /VERSION- /resources/assets/js/app/voiceover.js

Version 1.4.2 / 15 Jan, 2024 CHANGE LOG:- Enhancement: Minor improvementsUPDATE INSTRUCTION:Following files should be updated:- /public/assets- /src/Billing/Domain/Entities/SubscriptionEntity.php- /VERSION- /resources/assets/js/base/translate.js

Version 1.4.1 / 10 Jan, 2024 CHANGE LOG:- BUGFIX: Unable to open generated doc files- BUGFIX: Unable to create images with Stable Diffusion- BUGFIX: Unable to play voice over samples and generate audios in mobile- BUGFIX: Constant NumberFormatter::TYPE_CURRENCY is deprecated in...UPDATE INSTRUCTION:Following files should be updated:- /locale- /vendor- /public/assets- /resources/views/templates/app/account/verification.twig- /src/Ai/Infrastruture/Services/StabilityAi/ImageGeneratorService.php- /VERSION- /composer.lock- /package-lock.json- /package.json- /resources/assets/js/app/ai.js- /resources/assets/js/app/document.js- /resources/assets/js/app/voiceover.js

Version 1.4.0 / 25 Dec, 2023 CHANGE LOG:- NEW: StabilityAI integration (text to image feature only)- NEW: Clipdrop integration (text to image feature only)- NEW: Clear cache directly from admin UI- NEW: Enable/Disable caching directly from admin UI- NEW: Enable/Disable debug mode directly from admin UI- NEW: Email verification system with 3 different policy: None, Relaxed, Strict- NEW: Google reCAPTCHA- NEW: Show Social Media Accounts, Business name and address on the footer- NEW: Api reference (Postman Collection)- ENHANCEMENT: Enhancements to the localization. - ENHANCEMENT: General enhancements to the imagine tool. - ENHANCEMENT: Landing page speed optimizations- BUGFIX: Payment gateways' status are now properly applied to the checkout UI- BUGFIX: Ai Writer responds in English only.- BUGFIX: Several other minor bugs fixed.UPDATE INSTRUCTION:- Update all files- Import following SQL:ALTER TABLE user ADD is_email_verified TINYINT(1) DEFAULT NULL, ADD email_verification_token VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL

Version 1.3.5 / 01 Dec, 2023 CHANGE LOG:- FIX: Fatal error: Uncaught UnhandledMatchError: ...UPDATE INSTRUCTION:Following files should be updated:- /src/Ai/Infrastruture/Services/ElevenLabs/TextToSpeechService.php

Version 1.3.4 / 29 Nov, 2023 CHANGE LOG:- FIX: When usage credits reaches to the zero it's being rendered as "Unlimited" in the dashboard - FIX: Payments with invalid card number creates incomplete subscription in Stripe and activates the plan in app - FIX: Theme translation not loadingUPDATE INSTRUCTION:Following files should be updated and cache must be cleared:- /resources/views/sections/dashboard/billing.twig- /resources/views/snippets/checkout/stripe.twig- /src/Presentation/Middlewares/LocaleMiddleware.php

Version 1.3.3 / 29 Nov, 2023 CHANGE LOG:- BUGFIX: ElevenLabs voice list not showingUPDATE INSTRUCTION:Following files should be updated:- /src/Ai/Infrastruture/Services/ElevenLabs/TextToSpeechService.php

Version 1.3.2 / 25 Nov, 2023 - ENHANCEMENT: Made necessary changes to make easier to rename the default public web root directory to the public_html

Version 1.3.1 / 24 Nov, 2023 - FIX: "Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function p__()" error in installation page

Version 1.3.0 / 24 Nov, 2023 - NEW: Implementation of a mobile-first design- NEW: Full translation functionality integrated into the app- ENHANCEMENT: Revamped admin settings view for consistency with the app's design- ENHANCEMENT: Various design enhancements for improved user experience

Version 1.2.2 / 13 Nov, 2023 - FIX: Account menu is not fully rendering in

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