Advanced Floating Content
Advanced Floating Content

Advanced Floating Content

  • Uploaded : 27th January 2023
  • Views : 630

Advanced Floating Content

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Advanced Floating Content plugin is made to use in all in one’s purpose and it’s not difficult to use, interface try to cover everything in single plugin to assure you won’t try any other plugins. whether you need to demonstrate a sticky footer notice or sticky header warning, feature advancements which shall float into site, you need to impart your social networking connections, a commercial picture or altered HTML coasting content, everything our plugin doing for you.

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You may check your Statistics from the administrator that your floating content meets the necessity of perspectives.

Characteristics / Features

Advancement and Promotions:Advancement and Promotions: Advanced Floating Content can be used for commercial or advancements.

Single Plug-in for all:With boundless Options You Can Present you?re all content by using our single plug-in such as:

Control Impressions :Control your banner/floating content impressions by enabling control impressions from plugin admin and after end user close the banner/content then it wont shows again on their system.

Video Embedding :If you love video anywhere on web, and you wish to embed them on your own web that float all over the theme, then you have to simple embed the code in your Advanced Floating Content and that Video is in your website. All embedded videos are supported such as Youtube, Daily Motion, & Vimeo.

Social media Sharing :By Using this advanced floating plugin you can embed all big social media sharing icons on your web in a single click e.g Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Responsiveness at peak with it’s auto fit featureThis plugin comes with responsive feature, it adjust automatically according to your device (mobile phones, and tablet).

Html Codes In Your Control:If you have knowledge of html+css then you can customized your content by using WordPress default editor, and your stylish content that will float over the website.

Control Your Floating Content anywhere in your website:This feature of Advanced Floating Content stands out from the crowd and you have your control on your content anywhere in website. If you want to control your floating content to complete website or on selective pages / posts / categories then it is possible now. Just chose the right option for your content placement with a simple interface.

Plugin for your website:A couple of promotional/distinctive advanced content can be introduced on your blog, pages or posts or anywhere you like

See your all content on a single click:Every Promotional content or advertisements that count numbers of impression for each floating content and can likewise be seen from plug-in administrator zone.

Easily Customization: Propelled/advanced level of customization for every notices/substance, used word press supervisor to plan your Content.

Ease of use:Choices to bring up close/cover catch on Content.

User Controlled Plug-in:On the off chance that any of substance is strained than that you can close it by method for clicking close Button.

Effortless Coding:Simple and light-weight and easy to handle coding

Added Theme Builder to create stylish floating contentNow theme builder is added with enhanced and improved features. You can create themes in a minute while using its theme builder which comes free with the plugin.

Unlimited themes / Layouts Can be Created for your floating contentYou can create unlimited themes/layouts for your floating content while using its theme builder.

Hide floating content on certain widthIf you want to hide your content on less than a certain width instead of all mobile devices then you can do it now.

Display floating content on certain height with page scrollVisible on certain height while you page scroll is quite a cool feature added by many buyers requests.

Responsive Demo

What Our Customer Says about Advanced Floating ContentCredits Font Awesome Bootstrap – DataTables jQuery Color Picker, Selector, Chooser Plugin – Cross image from Fancybox Special Instruction for AllEveryone who had issues after the upgrade, Please deactivate the plugin and reactive it. It will solve the issue.Change Log-3.7.7 (December 16, 2022) Fixed Bug – Activation Error when validating License key with Envato API Data-3.7.6(November 03, 2022)Bugs Fixed – Multiple Auth. (contributor+) Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities-3.7.5(August 17, 2022)Bugs Fixed – Count Same Impressions even hide on mobile or desktop-3.7.4(April 25, 2022)Bugs Fixed – Do Not Display Again with Re-Apear after some time i.e days-3.7.3(January 15, 2022)Bugs Fixed – Color Picker input control and text overlapping

-3.7.2(October 16, 2021)Feature Added – Added Default English Language (.pot) fileBugs Fixed – Redisplay after the close floating content when used time delay function

-3.7.1(July 18, 2021)Add Compatibility with PHP 8-3.7.0 (July 05, 2021)Optimized code with latest code structureRemove unwanted codeConvert every single text to translatable string

-3.6.9 (March 04, 2021)Feature Added – Display on Selective Posts Inside Custom Post Types

-3.6.8 (November 03, 2020)Feature Added – Fill available width on 100% widthFixed Bug – Undefined Variables for ips

-3.6.7 (July 07, 2020)Feature Added – Upload Background Image or Color in Floating Content Theme

-3.6.6 (June 01, 2020)Feature Added – Display Again After XXX Time to close with Do Not Display Again Feature Enabled Feature Added – Auto Close Floating Content after XXX Time to load

-3.6.5 (May 11, 2020)Feature Added – Compatible with Elementor Plugin -3.6.4 (April 07, 2020)Feature Added – Display Floating Content as Sticky Header or Footer with top or bottom of the page

-3.6.3 (March 21, 2020)Feature Added – Display on Selected IP Addresses Only

-3.6.2 (January 03, 2019)Feature Added – Hide on Selective Posts Feature Added – Hide on Selective Posts By Post IDs Feature Added – Hide on Selective Pages Feature Added – Hide on Selective Pages By Page IDs Feature Added – Hide on Selective Categories Feature Added – Hide on Selective Categories By Categories IDs

-3.6.1 (December 03, 2019)Fixed Bug – Display floating content Ads in local time zone with empty dates

-3.6.0 (November 21, 2019)Add Feature – Local Time Zone for displaying Ads (Now you can start and end Ads in your local time zone)Add Feature – Fix Height for iframe embedding

-3.5.9 (October 8, 2019)Add Feature – Add Compatibility with Default All Gutenberg Editor Shortcodes

-3.5.8 (August 31, 2019)Fixed Bug – Compatible with WMPLFixed Bug – IP Address Fetch API

-3.5.7 (June 12, 2019)Fixed Bug – Reappear after close on certain widthFixed Bug – Reappear after close on certain height

-3.5.6 (March 20, 2019)Fixed Bug – Fatal error after update to latest version

-3.5.5 (March 15, 2019)Add Feature – Control Impression Per User

-3.5.4 (February 08, 2019)bug fixed – Validate Advanced Floating Content features at bottom

-3.5.3 (February 05, 2019)add feature – Optimized for Gutenberg Editorbug fixed – Activation Error for WPML users on some hosting serversbug fixed – Undefined Variable posts on some hosting servers

-3.5.2 (January 22, 2019)add feature – display after some time spent i.e countdown counter in 5 minutes

-3.5.1 (December 4, 2018)bugs fixed – header already sent warning message on plugin activationbugs fixed – shows all pages with child pages in selective pages adminadd feature – display on selective posts by post idsadd feature – display on selective pages by page idsadd feature – display on selective category by category ids

-3.5.0 (November 19, 2018)Add Feature – Add more domains tld for validating domainsBug Fixed – License validation on SSL enabled serversBug Fixed – Localhost IP checking on license validationBug Fixed – notice on empty impressions while counting total impressions

-3.4.9 (November 1, 2018)Add Feature – Compatibility with WPMLBug Fixed – Undefined variable user agent

-3.4.8 (October 16, 2018)Bug Fixed – Removed Front Page from All Pages in admin areaBug Fixed – is_page() and is_front_page() both true Bug Fixed – IP address validation for development server Bug Fixed – Display on Selective Category Add Feature – Predefined CSS added for floating content instead of blank floating content

-3.4.7 (October 1, 2018)-Bug Fixed – Update Envato API From old which are limited.

-3.4.6 (September 27, 2018)-Bug Fixed – Warning Notice on some hosting servers-Bug Fixed – Add iPhone in mobile device category-Bug Fixed – License Validation for localhost development server

-3.4.5 (September 8, 2018)-add a feature to use on development servers like wpengine or flywheelsites-add features to use on IP based domain as development server like

-3.4.4 (June 26, 2018)-Added feature close button position top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right-Added feature close floating content with anchor tag without button

-3.4.3 (May 15, 2018)-Fixed bug $responsive_css showing on console-Fixed bug $jquery_main showing on console-Fixed bug rating onclick event

-3.4.2 (April 24, 2018)-Fixed bug Show on Selective Pages-Fixed bug Show on Selective Countries

-3.4.1 (April 4, 2018 And April 6, 2018)-Fixed bug to display on all pages which missing few pages

-3.4.0 (April 1, 2018)-Added feature to display on certain countries-Added feature to auto-schedule with start and end date-Added feature to limit impressions so it will be stopped showing after xxx no of impressions-Added feature to manage do not display again IP -Added feature background color to close button -Fixed bug conflict with Divi theme builder -Fixed bug do not display again with clicking on close button

-3.3.9 (February 26, 2018)-Fixed Do not Display Again

-3.3.8 (February 24, 2018)-Fixed Close Button Icon Issue

-3.3.7 (February 22, 2018)-Fixed Hide and Display on Certain Height

-3.3.6 (February 15, 2018)-Added WooCommerce Categories-Added Alt tag for the closing icon to improve seo

-3.3.5 (January 25, 2018)-Fixed – Fatal error on plugin update

-3.3.4 (January 22, 2018)-Added – WooCommerce Landing Page Hide/Display-Updated – Control Devices – With desktop/laptop and mobile / smart phones

-3.3.3 (November 29, 2017)-Added – Control Other Devices Feature(windows or mac OS)

-3.3.2 (October 27, 2017)-Fixed – localhost using bug..

-3.3.1 (October 11, 2017)-Added – Animation to floating content onload and onclose.

-3.3.0 (September 8, 2017)-Added – Build your IP address Blacklist To Banned IP address for displaying content

-3.2.9 (August 29, 2017)-Fixed bug – display total number of floating content in bottom-Fixed bug – preserve the top margin when scrolling

-3.2.8 (August 27, 2017)-Add feature – display floating content only to logged in users

-3.2.7 (August 12, 2017)bug fixed for nested floating content on same page

-3.2.5 (April 08, 2017)-Fixed bug which displaying the total number of floating content found at bottom of the page

-3.2.4 (March 23, 2017)-Add Support for bbPress.

-3.2.3 (March 3, 2017)-Fixed zip file which causing unable to install plugin.

-3.2.2 (February 24, 2017)-Fixed the onload issue with display on certain width.

-3.2 (February 14, 2017)-fixed activation bug

-3.1.2 (January 24, 2017)-Updated the screenshots

-3.1.1 (25 November, 2016)-Fix bug – Embedded Video stops on closing floating content

-3.1.0 (21 October, 2016)-Add Scrolling Floating Content when page scroll-Add Option for Archive Pages-Add Show on Certain Height-Add Hide on Certain Height-Add Show on Certain Width-Add Hide on Certain Width-Add Option for responsive and non-responsive -Add Option for Hide/Show on Mobile devices

-3.0.9 (27 July, 2016)Update the documentation with images so buyer get not confused.

-3.0.8 (5 July, 2016)fix the mobile css

-3.0.7 (11 May, 2016)bug fixed – displaying many floating content on same page simultaneously

-3.0.6 (5 May, 2016)update the license checker issue due to slow response from API, having issue with licence activation properly.

-3.0.5 (18 April 2016)fix the woocommerce in selective productsfix php warning errors in front end remove the rating box from admin panel

-3.0.4 (13 April, 2016)added feature to display on search pages fix bug on search pages for some hostings.

-3.0.3 (4 April, 2016)fix alert message notification on click event.

-3.0.2 (7 March, 2016)Fixed the rating notice once closed then nerver show again

-3.0.1 (24 February, 2016)fix license page fix the shortcode breaking fix the close icon background

-3.0 (18 Feb 2016)add feature ThemeBuilderOptimized CodeHide in certain width on page scrollDisplay in certain height on page scroll-2.9.1 (12 Feb 2016)add feature for display on certain heightadd feature hide of certain widthadd feature hide on mobile devices-2.9 (31 Jan 2016)Add custom css for mobile devices.-2.8 (24 Sept

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