Academy LMS - Learning Management System
Academy LMS - Learning Management System

Academy LMS - Learning Management System

  • Uploaded : 16th February 2024
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Academy LMS - Learning Management System

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Online learning marketplace script – Academy. Academy Lms is a marketplace script for online learning. Here students and teachers are combined together for sharing knowledge through a structured course-based system. Teachers or instructors can create an unlimited number of courses, video lessons and documents according to their expertise and students can enroll in these courses and make themselves skilled anytime and from anywhere. So start selling your courses by installing ACADEMY and make your online business today. Quick start guide for course instructor/adminRead all our provided documentation carefully before using the softwareInstall the application following “Installation and Update” guide carefullyLogin as site administrator to organize your systemAt first update your System Settings and Payment Settings from Settings option of the left sidebar menu. Also, make sure to provide a valid YouTube API key and a valid Vimeo API key on System Settings.If you have updated the Settings successfully, you can go to Categories option from the same left sidebar menu and create Categories.After creating Category, you can create Sub-categories under a specific Category. For creating Sub-categories you can go to the Categories page, select a specific category, click on the Action dropdown menu and select Manage Sub-categories. It will take you to the Sub-categories page. Now you can simply click on “+Add Sub Category” button and fill all the required fields to create a Sub-category.Now its time to create some Courses. Since a course will contain all the video lessons you have to create it carefully. Move to Courses option from the left menu, You will get a “ Add Course Form” after clicking on “+Add Course” button. Fill all the fields carefullyEvery Course should have at least one Section. Because at the end you will have to add a lesson under a specific section of a specific course. So, now you will have to create at least one section. Move to the Courses page, select a specific course, click on the action dropdown menu and select Manage Section. After clicking on Manage Section you will get the list of Section which is empty now. You have to create one by clicking the “+Add Section” buttonAs you have created a Course and a section or multiple sections, now you will be able to create a lesson. Now, let’s move to the Course page again, select a specific course, click on the Action dropdown button, select Manage Lesson. It will also show the list of lessons that you’ve created. To add new you can just click on “+Add Lesson” buttonQuick start guide for course studentsSince the application has been already installed. Student can access the website by simply hitting the application URLHome page will appear every time a student hits the URL. From the home page, a student can search for a specific course, get all the top courses, top ten latest courses, get category based courses. A student can sign up if he/she is not registered yet. If a student is already registered he/she can log in. Student can add courses on their Shopping Carts or add them on their Wishlists Students can see the course details by simply clicking on a course thumbnail. The course details page contains all the essentials information about a course like, Title, Description, Outcomes, The prerequisites of the course, Lesson list Instructor details, and the rating and reviews. User can see a course overview hereIf Student want to buy the course they must add those courses on their cartAfter adding a course on Shopping cart if a student wants to see their cart items, they can to go to the Shopping Cart page by clicking on Go To Cart button, which appears on hovering over the cart icon of the headerStudent can remove courses if they want from the shopping cart pageOn the right side of the shopping cart page is the total price of the cart items. Under that is the Checkout button. If student want to check out they can simply click on the Checkout button and pay for those coursesAfter a successful checking out student can see their courses on the My Courses menu. The student will get the My Courses button by hovering over their profile image from the headerMy Courses page will show all the courses which are purchased by that student. Student can play the lessons by clicking on the thumbnail from the My Courses pageUpdate Log

Version 6.5 – 2 January, 2024 - Every section of the Home page can now be enabled or disabled.- New, 9 payment gateways has been added: - Xendit - Payu - Pagseguro - SSLCOMMERZ - Skrill - Doku - Bkash - Cashfree - Maxicash

Version 6.4 – 21 November, 2023 - Now, teachers are able to include any kind of lesson resource file in their course lessons- The system notification module has been added for the noticeboard and course forum addon- Admins can now add external widget codes or embed codes from Website Settings- A new Custom CSS field has been included. Custom CSS can be added by the admin from frontend settings- Students can now check the details of the upcoming courses- Now, all front-end site images load using Lazy Load, which improves your site's speed more efficiently- More minor changes and improvements

Version 6.3 – 10 October, 2023 - Timezone has been added- Student account-disabling functionality - admin can turn it on or off from the system settings- Quiz submission issue has been solved- Video lesson play/pause removed by click on the space button due to some issues with addons- Course forumn addon loading issue has been solved- Course not found graphics has been updated- Mobile app API has been updated

Version 6.2 – 28 August, 2023 - Added RTL support to the frontend theme, admin can set the direction of any language- New 'Contact Us' page for visitor-admin communication via system or direct email- Improvements have been made for smoother playback of uploaded videos- Cart icon added for mobile device- Now, newsletter send by following BCC module- Video caption not showing issue solved- Language translation issue fixed- Fixed showing HTML code on blog page- Video lesson doesn't play from the previous duration has been fixed.- Also, more minor changes and improvements

Version 6.1 – 24 July, 2023 - Availability of all addons has been updated- Deleted garbage data from the session table to keep high-traffic websites running faster- Fixed some other minor issues

Version 6.0 – 16 July, 2023 - Completely new default theme with a trendy design and layout- Total six home pages added for various purposes- Advanced protection of system video files. Now, Video files are completely safeguarded from downloading- Access by direct URL is denied for all other types of lesson files- Provide built-in 14 language files- Now a user can apply for a trainer while signing up- The application form for instructors has been moved to the frontend- New, upcoming course module added- The FAQ page has been added- To motivate your visitors, a new inspirational area has been added to the home page.- Added a newsletter module. Now, any user can subscribe to the website newsletter- Instructors can now choose to sell their courses forever or with an expiration date.- The SMTP module has been improved by adding from email- Language files can now be imported and exported from language settings- New, System notification module has been added- Administrators have the ability to enable and disable system and email notifications- New, email template has been added- Instructors of courses can now monitor students' academic progress.- User's phone number has been added- 100% coupon has been added- More minor issue fixes and performance improvements

Version 5.15 – 16 May, 2023 - Course gift feature. Now users can gift multiple courses to another user's account.- Multiple time attempts of quizzes. Administrators can now set a limit on the number of student attempts.

Version 5.14 – 21 March, 2023 - The layout of the student panel has been made more flexible and user-friendly.- Administrators can now remove misleading reviews.- Theme files can now be uploaded from the admin panel.

Version 5.13 – 20 February, 2023 - AI course content generator addon added- Coupon issue fix

Version 5.12 – 23 January, 2023 - Payment gateway structure has been redesigned for the availability of all gateway in all addons- Google Analytics has been added to analysis of your website traffic- Meta pixel(Facebook pixel) has been added- Added server-side data table to manage large number of students and instructors- Added server-side selector for student and instructor- Data table issue on the course manager page fix- More minor issue fixes and performance improvements

Version 5.11 – 18 December, 2022 - New filter options. Now users can sort the courses by Newest, Highest Rating, Discounted, Lowest Price, and Highest Price- Private course feature. Admin can manually enroll his/her students in private courses- Optional Course FAQ feature for instructors to provide FAQs in their courses- Site backup feature. Admin can keep multiple backups of all website data- Demo data or backup data importer- Language importer- Added pagination between search and filtered courses

Version 5.10.1 – 2 November, 2022 - Tutor booking addon introduced- Minor issue fixes and performance improvement

Version 5.10 – 29 September, 2022 - The timer of quiz has been kept optional- Upcoming live classes are highlighted on the My Course page- Video caption added for HTML5 video URL and Video file type lesson- Multiple student enrollments with a single action- Now the video lesson is played after the previous watching period- Course selling tax added- Purchase history new page added- Stripe payment issue fix- Course thumbnail cache issue fix

Version 5.9.1 – 16 August, 2022 - Home page newly designed- Footer newly designed- Sign up URL enhanced to improve SEO- The uploaded images are optimized automatically- Footer link issue fix- Auto logout issue fix

Version 5.9 – 3 July, 2022 - Pagination added to the search result page- Pagination added to the course filter page- Search result optimised from in dept course data- Quiz result issue fixed and experience improved

Version 5.8 – 26 May, 2022 - New! limitation on account access from multiple devices- Admin can set how many account can be accessed by a single student account- Create any number of new pages for your course website- Video uploading progress bar shown during lesson creation- Quiz question type added: true-false, fill in the blanks, multiple choice, single choice- Instructor now can view student's quiz results- Quizzes now have timer to complete within a certain time period- Login session time period extended- Issue fix for blog category link access- Smtp crypto settings now added

Version 5.7 – 18 April, 2022 - Drip content feature introduced- Student has to complete previous lesson to access the next one- Showing learning progress in course playing page- Publicly course access permission settings (allow/deny) from admin panel- Message read and unread status showed in messaging page between student and instructor- Certificate addon update: drag & drop builder- Certificate addon update: background image changing capability- Certificate addon update: QR code shown for certificate validation

Version 5.6 – 17 February, 2022 - Api updated for student and instructor mobile app- Show email with name when admin enroll a student- Delete enrolment history when a course is deleted- Blog keywords for course website SEO performance enhance- Minor bug fixed

Version 5.5 – 19 January, 2022 - Blog module introduced- Admin & instructor can write blog posts- 'Buy' button added in course page- Instructor skills added- New page for forget password- Newly designed user interface for student account panel- Document type lessons now have preview option- Coupon code discount feature enhanced- Razorpay payment gateway option for instructor payout- Store quiz result of students- Api updated for mobile apps- Source code optimised and performance upgraded

Version 5.4

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